Friday 24 August 2012

Cake 1, 2 or 3?

The men came this morning to clear the gutters and get rid of the wasps nests we have scattered around the outside of the house. Mrs Royal popped round to tell us our 'lovely' neighbour Don NoQuotey had been speaking to other people in the Hamlet telling them that our wiring was dodgy and that was why he wouldn't do any work on our house. The bloomin' cheek of it. If our wiring was dodgy, wouldn't it be the neighbourly thing to come and tell us, and not the rest of the Hamlet? At least we have Mrs Royal looking out us.

The boys played happily on the computer while the work was being done. I didn't want them around the wasps as their homes were taken away, who knows what they might do! The men were cleaning the gutter by hosing them. Lots of water was flowing into the water butt so when they finished the kids went out and watered the plants (their idea even though they shouldn't at that time of the day, I thought I would just let them while they were happy).

The lovely hummingbird that Moo bought us

Small watering the veggies

Our accidental sunflower
We went off shopping and bought some supplies for our baking. Mrs BB rang me last night and said we were going for a picnic on Saturday so I thought I would make something nice to take along.

We shopped, put it all away, had lunch and then it wasn't long before it was swimming time. The boys wanted to go in the car today because they say it takes up too much energy and they wanted to swim well. It was very hot today so I agreed. Plus I wanted to get back quickly to get the baking done.

Swimming was fabulous. They both got badges. Small got a level 6 and Smallest got a level 2. Small perfected his dive and was taught how to correctly do the breast-stroke (different to how I believed it should be!) and Small managed to swim a length of front crawl without stopping. I'm very proud of them both. They have achieved a lot. I wondered whether a two week course of them swimming everyday would work, but I will definitely sign them up for next year. I really like the teacher, she is very knowledgeable and good with the kids. They like her too.

They were pretending they were Olympic medalists

Small diving to the bottom - he wanted me to take this

A cannon ball

Playing water polo

Smallest Having a water piggie back

When we got home we started the baking. Cake 1 in the oven, whoops forgot the baking soda and powder. Got cake out and mixed it in (that'll never work), meanwhile made a new cake but melted the butter too much (that'll never work), put it to one side. Cake 1 came out a bit sunk in the middle. Start again. Cake 2 made into fairy cakes - you never know! (well I did know, they didn't work) throw them away! Cake 3 ran out of chocolate. Rang Mrs Royal, sent Small round to fetch some. It was the best cocoa powder I have ever used. It tasted like proper Chocolate of the highest quality. Yes this one will work. Cake 3 went into the oven and nothing went wrong. This is one I used. Would show you a picture but can't..............................

Flapjack started, oh no, ran out of porridge, Huffle came home just in time to tell me where there is spare bag, make flapjack, realised there was no parchment paper (if you don't use parchment, it sticks and you can't ever get it our of the tin - I know, I tried it, had to get the hair dryer on it!). Rang Mrs Royal again, popped round and got some. Flapjacks worked fine.

The boys had dinner and then we all went in the pool. We had a battle. The hose was out, the water guns, the noodles that we blow water through. It was a mass water fight. Everyone for themselves. It was very funny.

We all got dried, showered and the kids went to bed after a quick game of Monopoly Deal.

He is very pleased because he is abut to take a whole set off Huffle

I finished the cake and cut up the flapjack ready for tomorrow.

Phew, I'm shattered.




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