Thursday 28 March 2013

Snow is melting

Phil Spencer DID sell the house last night on Phil Spencer Secret Agent. That's 4/13. Maybe he'll get another series. Wahoooo. I also watched the Good Wife. I watched this before we moved here and then when we moved, Canada was a whole series ahead so I missed a big chunk in the middle. Now I am watching the new series and the the bit I lost in between. It's gets a bit confusing but at least it is filling in all the missing details. Plus, Huffle likes to play on the computer while I am watching but listens to it and occasionally looks up. He normally says, at least every other episode, OH I KNOW HIM, WHO IS IT? Then we spend ten minutes searching cast lists until we find them. Last night it was a man from scrooged (one of Huffle's favourite films from the 80's).

All the boys went off to school and work.

And then I went off to Yoga. I walked there because its not that far and I need the extra exercise. The house was gorgeous. We were in the basement. Seven of us. The rest were skinny, flexible and could easily tie themselves in knots. However, I gave it a go. It's been a long time since I did Yoga, and this was Power Yoga. The log burner was on and the room was hot. I was told to take my time and pace myself. Boy, they work hard. I enjoyed it though. It was just over an hour. No chanting or um yum Kippa bang (whatever it is they say). I met a nice lady. The lady who runs it is very nice too. Small's arch enemy's Mum was there - she grimaced at me (might have been a smile - hard to tell). Still, I have paid for five sessions and next week is circuit training. That will be tough I know, but I'm going!

I came home, had a coffee and a crumpet - it was hungry work!, watched an episode of HIMYM and then looked through the cupboards to see what cake ingredients we needed. I weighed myself. Have lost 3lbs. Wahooo. I have cut out my toast and butter weekday mornings and replaced it with either Weetabix or cornflakes and fruit on top. I haven't done anything else, I still eat all the wrong things the rest of the time. Oh I have started drinking much much more water. One because I have ongoing problems with Water Infections, and two because my skin is always so dry. Dehydrated! I try to drink a glass of water every hour, plus it stops me eating quite so much! I showered and went out to the shops.

I ambled around the store, picking up Easter Treats, getting extra presents for Smallest's birthday, then I started to look at my list to buy essentials. My handbag felt really light and I realised I had left my purse at home. I put my trolley (cart) in Customer Services and went home. It took me a good fifteen minutes there and fifteen minutes back. I picked up my trolley, carried on shopping and took it all home. I was starving as it was about 2pm, so I quickly put the frozen stuff away, made a sandwich and sat down to eat it. Then quickly put the shopping away before the boys came home and made their own mess!

Smallest picked up the post and was so very excited when he found two cards and a package.

Small had two lots of homework to do, which he made a good start on. Smallest had made a lovely Easter basket to put his painted eggs in and his Easter Egg Hunt finds. He drew a picture of Small and a lovely Easter Egg. Smallest did another blog post.

Huffle came home early and we played TT while the kids tidied up their mess in the basement. We all had dinner and the boys watched TV until bed.

Everyone is at home tomorrow. The cakes and jellies are being made and the Pass the Parcel being sorted. They do not do Pass the Parcel here but last year for Smallest's birthday we made our friends play the forfeit one. They loved it!

Smallest's two friends who cancelled can now come. Apparently they rang their Nana and told her they would rather come to the party than stay at her house, Whoops! Smallest is very happy.




Unknown said...

So glad we ahead of Canada in the pass the parcel stakes. Yoga sounds fun, perhaps you and the arch enemy mum will get the right karma one day whilst ur meditating, perhaps they chant in a few weeks, would make a good video!

Unknown said...

Hope you're managing not to burst into fits of giggles in this yoga class Mrs!? Hehe!