Last night when we checked if the pool was full enough, there was a frog on the side, not able to get out. So we tried to catch it in the net but it jumped off and back into the water. He swam back up and we caught him again, called him Filbert and was about to put him somewhere green when he ran away.
Huffle and I managed to stay up till 10pm (wahoo) and watch the last episode of My Name is Earl (now this is the last one on Netflix but it said TO BE CONTINUED - does anyone know if there were anymore after Season4?) before falling asleep. We had a good nights sleep too and I woke up being able to swallow. Wahoooo tooooo. I have also lost weight (Not surprised living on rice pudding and melon for two days) so I am going to try and be really good now.
The sunset last night.
It looks like it rained in the night but the sun was out this morning but it was in and out by afternoon with rain early evening (forecast said with 30% chance of storms mid morning to mid afternoon - we didn't get them!). Small did his homework and Smallest read me his school book before school and then I shipped them off for a day of peace for me.
I needed to go out and do some birthday and food shopping and post officing but I waited in first thing in case anyone came about the pool - they didn't. I had a shower (awwww that was better), a Skype with Moo............
(Bit of a shock to see it was only 13 days) ha ha
I went out to the shops and bought the stuff I needed, though I did lose my list half way round so maybe I didn't get everything! I posted off something for LittleElderberryElderflower - may not make his birthday though :{).
I came home, put stuff away and went and visited Mrs Royal. We had a wander round her garden, sat and had a cup of tea and she dug up a Cornflower for me.
Mrs R's Lilac tree and the field........the sky today
Mrs R's Bird House.......Mrs R's Cornflower
I came back and planted it and then started on dinner. Small requested Macaroni Cheese and Huffle requested a salad and nice bread to go with it.
I swept and mopped all the downstairs floors (including moving the furniture) as yesterday when the sun was out we could see smears of where someone had been sliding, or at the very least, dragging their stinky feet on the floor. All clean now.
The boys came home. Small did his homework and Smallest sat and ate his pear that I had to cut up because his front tooth is very wobbly.
Huffle came home and we all ate. Nice MacnCheese, lovely focaccia bread and a crunchy salad. I also made Ginger Muffins which the boys had and they said they were very nice. More to put in the freezer for their lunches as they have almost finished the choc chip ones. I was going to buy some whilst shopping but I thought I would make them instead. They had a muffin top but didn't rise up high, I wonder if I should be using a deeper pan or maybe use muffin papers.
I know they look a little flat but they were really light and moist and gingery
During dinner we talked about being famous. Huffle was telling them it wasn't all good being a celebrity. Small said Grandad Ic was famous for playing his trumpet and Smallest said "well he was a good gardener". He was mixed up and meant Uncle Dermott. He said he thought he was a good gardener because he once grew a really big pumpkin and we told Smallest that the pumpkin was sooo big we had to put it in Smallest's pushchair so we could carry it back to the car after he had entered it into a competition.
After dinner the boys watched TV before bed while Huffle and I put the basement back in order.
I have to say that today I have found people to be very friendly, smiley, helpful and polite. I know I normally moan when people aren't, so I thought I should mention that it has felt very different today. :o)
Hope that's not what Moo bringing, she'll never be able to carry it all!
Maybe the friendly, smiley and polite people have been secretly reading your blog and taken the hint!
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