We set the Christmas lights to go off just after 11pm last night but we were really sleepy and fell asleep before they went off. Huffle noticed they went off but unfortunately fifteen minutes later they came back on. Poor Huffle had to get up, go outside and turn them off manually. I had instructions to reset the timer and work out how to set it properly.
At 4:45am Smallest came in to us having had a small 'accident'. It was small but unfortunately meant all the bedding had to be changed. By the time I had finished making his bed, I was wide awake and I stayed awake for about an hour. This morning I was very sleepy and tired. Huffle reluctantly went off to work. I had to wake Small up and tell Smallest he could get up. What a sleepy family we are.
When the boys went to school it was -6*. I waved them off, had a quiet breakfast and then got ready to go shopping in an area I haven't been to before. I did a lot of looking but not a lot of buying. By lunchtime I popped in to see 'Batch' who made me some lunch and a cup of tea. I stayed for a while and then drove home. On the way I got diverted and noticed I was near to 'Suffolk's' (the lady who took me to the party on Saturday) house so I stopped and delivered her a bottle of Ribena because she didn't realise you could get it here. I never left a note and when I got home I had a text from her asking if it was me who had left it. She said it was the best present ever!
Once home, I sorted the timer and started on the dinner. Today we had stew with cobblers on top instead of dumplings. They were nice.
The boys came home and Small did his homework while Smallest read his school book to me. They had their showers and then played on the wii. Huffle came home after being at the dentist. He had had a terrible day and then a not so nice dentist visit with the result being a filling on Thursday. Not a happy bunny.
I rang the plumber about the drinking water as we are disappointed with the quality of the water running through. He said there was a problem as it shouldn't do that. He will ring me to sort later this week. Huffle emailed another person at Sears and Samsung - the saga continues.
The lights came on when we wanted them to and we are hopeful they will go off before we are asleep.
Small has a trip with school coming up to the Town Hall to speak to the Mayor (not the drunken drugged up one in Toronto). Huffle told him to ask why do we pay the same taxes as the people in the Hamlet who get their front path cleared of snow and yet if we ourselves do not clear ours, we can get fined!
That would have been an interesting school outing if they were meeting the naughty Mayor!!!
I may just have volunteered for that trip xx
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