Sunday 27 July 2014

Sticky Eyes and a Squashed Ear

Poor Smallest has been suffering with his eyes for ages now. We thought it was an allergy originally but now it seems to have turned into conjunctivitis. Huffle took him to the Walk-In Doctors this morning after breakfast. Smallest has in fact got conjunctivitis and got some antibiotic drops to take regularly everyday for five days. Huffle also got himself looked at as he has been having problems with his ear. It seems he has a swollen bone which could have been caused by lots of diving and his goggles squashing his ear (note to self: must get him some big eared goggles).

While they were gone, I completely cleaned and rearranged Small's bedroom (just in case it was an allergy conjunctivitis caused by dust as Huffle and I are also allergic to dust). This meant all his soft toys were hung on the line to air, new bedding, bedroom completely changed around in order to get under the bed and around other furniture. Smallest played on his DS in Small's bedroom with me to keep me company and occasionally help me move something. I even hoovered all his Lego (that was out and collecting dust). I think his room looks lovely, he wasn't so sure when he returned home, but it does look roomier.

Within five minutes of the boys being in the same room together they were fighting, and I mean properly fighting, until we had to separate them and put them in their rooms to calm down. What a pair!

It was another beautifully sunny, hot day (Huffle informed me that I slept right through the thunder last night but he has no idea if there was any lightning as he hid through it). After ointments and drops were administered by Doctor Hall, we played a game of Disney Monopoly. Huffle won this time and we celebrated with an ice cream on the porch and despite numerous warnings, Smallest's did in fact fall off his cone!! (Twice)

The rest of the day was spent in the pool after vacuuming and cleaning it. Whilst clearing up Huffle found Ferdi again and Smallest-Steve Backshall-Hall manhandled it. After it skipped up his arm and back, he ran to the front garden and deposited it in the homemade pond. Ferdi instantly jumped out and the boys played Swingball noisily.

Huffle and I made the most of the peace by the pool and it all went strangely quiet. We later found out that they had been playing with Ferdi again and 'helped' him into his pond (Smallest said "I just want a pet!" - he wants to build a pond and put a cage over it so he can't escape. We did talk about how cruel this would be!

There was much silliness again once the boys realised Huffle was in the pool by himself. The boys showered and we all had dinner (including Huffle's 10c corn!).

Super clouds

....and Huffle and I know where Ferdi is hiding but we shan't be telling smallest! Shhhhhhh


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