Last night Huffle tried to get a taxi back from our local town after being in Downtown Toronto. However he had trouble finding a taxi that would take him to where he wanted to go. So he went into a Pizza Takeaway and asked them if they delivered? He was going to buy a pizza and ask them to deliver the Pizza and him to our address. They didn't deliver to the Hamlet so he rang me instead who was snuggled up under a blanket because I wasn't feeling 100%. Pah!
This morning I started to make breakfast for Small, opened the 'condiments' cupboard and this is what I saw..................
Mr Mouse had decided to chew all the labels off all the jars. He can't get into any of them as they are all well sealed. So he ate the labels instead.
We have now moved the jars to a higher cupboard and moved things without labels there instead?
Ha - now what are you going to do Mr Mouse?
It snowed overnight, just a sprinkling. Then it started snowing heavier and heavier and started to settle.
After I dropped Small at school, we put on all our snow gear and walked to the local library to join. It took us ages because it was snowing hard and there was a lot on the ground. We had to stop and snowball each other too. Oh and take photos.
It was a long walk to the library but it was beautiful with the snow on the trees. The snow was really crunchy underfoot.
What is this bird Mary Anne or Brenda? They were really tame. They could see us getting nearer and they didn't move for ages. Just carried on eating the nuts.
One of our garden ornaments - we call him Gollum
Smallest showing me how deep his feet went in
This morning I started to make breakfast for Small, opened the 'condiments' cupboard and this is what I saw..................
Mr Mouse had decided to chew all the labels off all the jars. He can't get into any of them as they are all well sealed. So he ate the labels instead.
We have now moved the jars to a higher cupboard and moved things without labels there instead?
Ha - now what are you going to do Mr Mouse?
It snowed overnight, just a sprinkling. Then it started snowing heavier and heavier and started to settle.
After I dropped Small at school, we put on all our snow gear and walked to the local library to join. It took us ages because it was snowing hard and there was a lot on the ground. We had to stop and snowball each other too. Oh and take photos.
Ooh some footprints - wonder whose they are? Let's follow them! Smallest said they were bear prints. We followed the prints and they took us to tree to tree to tree and then they went across the road and we lost him!
Lovely snowy berries
We got to the library and enrolled, read some books, looked at some magazines, borrowed some books and started walking back. We had a nose in at the new local shop - very nice. Much bigger. Not much stock yet but they've only just moved there. Then we all went and had grilled cheese sandwiches at the local cafe. Yum.
We started the long walk back with Smallest moaning most of the way and sitting down in unexpected places. We got a few cars and trucks trying to splash us on the way!! We did some more snowballing.
We finally made it home. Four hours after we left this morning. Not much more than a mile there and a mile back. We had a look around the garden, checking the birds, seeing how deep the snow was and made lots of new tracks.
Our barn - lots of snow
The snow stopped and it became more rainy and then it got really misty.
We were only in the house about ten minutes and there was a knock at the front door. There was a parcel from Stu's cousin's Mr & Mrs Gator who now live in Tampa, USA. WOW. Thank you very much. We love it all. See you at the end of February (we are going for a holiday).
The boys with their presents.
Our goodies from the Gators. YEAH. Thank you.
How many people does it take to set up a mouse trap?
Take that Mr Mouse.
Apparantly Moo placed a small piece of After Eight on the trap (and then ate the rest herself)
Poor Small
I mentioned he went swimming yesterday with school. He came home the day before and said "Mummy do you know what a bathing suit is?". "Yes, it's a swim suit". "good" he said "cos that's what I need for swimming". So I put together his swimming kit, trunks, special towel (with his badges on), swimming bag and off he went. He said when he got changed the other kids laughed at him because his trunks were way shorter than everyone else's. I said "well you should have just said 'hey if you've got the legs......" he said they called him a Rockstar! Bless him. When he told them that that's what they wear in England he said they stopped laughing.
Your little birdy is a Nuthatch! Surprised myself there! Hope you get a go on a snow mobile (skidoo) soon, they're such a blast! We get mice in the garage sometimes, especially when it's really cold, had to move the birdseed to the basement! I LOVE grilled cheese sarnies, I make them at home sometimes, they're brilliant camping too. Three day weekend here, I have Monday off for Martin Luther King Day, hope to get some crafting done and work on my socks some more!
You are getting all our snow and you can keep it:)
I had a bit of a laugh about Huffle and the taxi. I grew up in a very small town and if you were going into the "city" you had to book the taxi ahead of time. Such a pain.
Mr mousey has come inside for the winter through an open window or door or you have a small hole he can get into near a pipe in the outside wall or something like that. My son has them at the moment and he has tried everything. Peanut butter seems to work best in the traps.
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