Monday 30 April 2012

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work I go....

Smallest woke me this morning at 6:30 "can I get up yet?". NO GO AND DO SOMETHING QUIET, IT'S FAR TOO EARLY. Bless him, he sat on his bed and did his puzzle. Both boys got up at 7am and woke me at 7:20. Small said "in case we forget to get you up at 7:30". So thoughtful.

It was a bit of a rush to get everyone (and myself) ready, but we managed it. No missing of buses today! Now what is different here? Oh yes, Grandma and Grandad aren't here. Knew it was their fault for any lateness before!!!!

I had to put my coffee in my travel mug as I didn't have time to drink it and I didn't know when I would be coming home or if I would get any coffee. I arrived at the Garden Centre just after 9am and a woman shouted "hey over here!". "Are you Famfa?". "I was told to look out for you, you won't need that coat!". She took me into the greenhouse where there were three women and one man (all considerably older than me!) sitting around a table. We all introduced ourselves and then the owner came in told us what we were doing today. We got Clematis plants, cleared them of weeds, popped in a stake, tied the plant to the stake, pruned them to the stake level and popped in a label. This was all for a plant order that was being shipped in a couple of weeks. These same plants will have to be pruned again before they go out. We got through about ten varieties, some I haven't ever seen before. The owner said we could take whatever bits we chopped off if we wanted to propagate them, and he gave us a lesson in how to take cuttings and how to grow them on. (I already knew this but it looks like we should learn plenty in the future). We kept the catalogue open so we could see what the different varieties looked like. There were some lovely ones. I didn't take any cuttings for home as we don't have anywhere to put them yet. However I did take away four pepper plants. We stopped at 11am and went up to the house for coffee and biscuits. There were about eight of us there today. Some days they have more but most Monday's there are less. I enjoyed it! I just think it was nice being out and doing something different. It was very relaxing and peaceful, there was not a lot of chatter but enough to find out who was who.

I came home, had some lunch and popped out to get some jeans for working in as I have a hole in the ones I was wearing today.

I Skyped Grandma and Grandad and told them about the job. Their flooding is better now. Grandad had a whole day on the garden and has had a lot of interest in his new coat.

The boys came home, played on the computer, ate their dinner and told me all about how they picked up litter around the school and how it helps the world.

Huffle came home and we had dinner and then we all played cards together. Huffle saved us a $400 call out by fixing the toilet. clever Huffle. Then he scooted off to the Hamlet's Annual General Committee Meeting. We get a year's free membership for being new here.





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