Wednesday 4 April 2012


I spent the morning, after the boys went to school, knitting. In my PJ's. Then I thought maybe I ought to go to the supermarket. I went to two different shops as I had presents and cards to buy, Easter stuff to get and the general food shopping to do.

As I was reversing out of the car park I nearly ran a lady over. One minute it was clear and then suddenly I saw her as she was tootling past my bumper looking none too pleased. I reversed back, wound down my window and shouted SORRY. She said "okay". At least I said something and didn't just drive away.

It was way past lunch time by the time I got back so I had my lunch, put the shopping away and did a bit more knitting. I had an email to say that Mr Royal was organising an East Egg Hunt on Sunday, when I told the boys they started to wonder where their Halloween buckets were!? (I think it's because we used them last year to collect eggs - but this year I bought them Easter ones).

The boys came home, played out for a bit on their scooters, came home. Small was in a grumpy mood (doesn't know why, just is!). He wrote to an old friend in the UK whilst Smallest and I made another Lego model. Then he wrote more Thank You notes.

Small being Grumpy by himself

Smallest building

Grandad Skyped us and the boys teased him with an Orio Biscuit. It won't be long before him and Grandma are here so we said we'd save him one! He was waiting for Huffle to come home. Huffle has been in Toronto all day. The view from his office window was amazing but unfortunately Blogsy won't let me load photos so I can't show you. Maybe tomorrow.

Huffle found out that the reason Small is grumpy is because he got a 'ticket' at school today, and it upset him. Apparently he hurt someone's arm but he said it was an accident. I will have to find out what this 'ticket' is!!

It is ClownRose's birthday today -



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