Monday 25 November 2013

All change at montreal

Small forgot to wake me up because he thought it was a Sunday and was very surprised to see me downstairs at 7:35am. It was another cold one and the boys went off well wrapped up.

I also went off to school this morning as Smallest's agenda invited me to an Assembly where Smallest would be singing. I parked a little way from school and walked on the icy paths (not in my snow boots) and tottered to school only to be told that Smallest's teacher had got it wrong and forgotten to tell me it was now Friday instead. Ohhhhhhh! I came home, filled the car with petrol and set about about clearing the kitchen, washing, drying and sorting clothes.

I skyped Moo and we had a good chat and catch up. She has been away with her friends on a Sporty trip and had a great time, however it occurred to her when she got back that she was going to be here soon.


I finished off some sewing in bits for various things I am making and watched a bit of The Paradise too. At lunchtime, I drove about twenty minutes away and met a Welsh lady I met at the ExPat British Pot Luck night and her friend (who is also the wife of someone Huffle works with). We met for lunch in a Portuguese Cafe which made excellent coffee, sandwiches and beautiful custard tarts. We stayed for a couple of hours chatting. The Welsh lady has been here for 3.5 years and the English Lady the same as me, 2 years. They were both lovely and we said we would do it again. I am trying to persuade the English lady to come to the Christmas ExPat party which is this Saturday. Unfortunately when it came to paying I didn't have my purse. They had to pay for me - well that's a good first impression!

We swapped numbers and I drove home - my purse was there thankfully. I owe them lunch now. I sorted some more washing, tidied away my sewings and skyped Grandma as a couple of her presents had arrived for Christmas.

The boys came home. Small was grumpy and had homework to do. Smallest did his maths and then the boys played upstairs together. I made dinner.

Huffle came home after a decent day at work, we ate, talked about our days and then Huffle and I played table tennis (I won one out of four) while the kids watched some of Elf. Huffle has booked our little trip away. We are going to Montreal by train 3 days after Moo gets here - whoops, she won't mind (we are leaving her and the boys here to decorate the house for Christmas.

The plumber is booked to sort our water. My car is booked in for Winter tyres and a service. The handyman has been cancelled and a roof man is being looked into.



Wonder Woman said...

A productive day on the end then ? X

Unknown said...

Make sure you take lots of photos of Montreal. I imagine it has a different feel to it. x