Friday 29 April 2016

The fox doesn't wag!

It is officially Spring on Sunday and I know that this curious country we moved to has had snow later than April, even mid to late May but at least we had another good sunny day today. Still needed fleeces or a thin coat but I actually got into the garden and did some weeding later.

Huffle worked hard and got stressed and has been called to the Toronto office on Monday. He's worried that he is being made a scapegoat for something that's going pear shaped. We discussed what the worst could happen and we are okay with that. I just don't want him stressing unnecessarily. He is talking to me and not keeping things to himself so that's something. Much later he had a telephone call that made him less worried.

I went to the charity shop this morning for the garden and patio sale. It opened at 10am and I got there about 10:15am. The car park was full and had people queueing for it as well as people trying to reverse, turn around and park. The street next to it was blocked with parked cars and cars trying to park plus it was bin day and the bin lorry had trouble getting through. I managed to park and then had to queue to pay before I even looked around. The only way you could see anything was to look and grab while the line moved. It was ridiculous and a lot of stuff had already gone (I know because Huffle and I looked through the window yesterday). I picked up a funny round chair and a wicker table ($16 total). Apparantly there is another one tomorrow with different stuff. I'm not sure I can be bothered but I guess if we are up early and wanting to do something.

I went to knitting this morning. It also was packed and we had trouble finding chairs. Suffolk joined me later, we were invited to stay for lunch but we declined as we had already decided to go to lunch on our own. Easier to talk, plus we needed to go to the sewing shop. I managed to knit loads of my second sock (will be done in no time at this rate) and got some good tips on other socks from one of the ladies there. We went for a lovely lunch and a cup of tea and then went to the Quilting shop where we signed ourselves up to make a fabulous organiser bag, hopefully in May. We also bought some material to make a little bag I bought a pattern for a few weeks ago.

Back home I weeded the garden till the boys came home and they helped me for half an hour each. We dug out the majority of the dandelions and I got lots of unwanted grass out. The front is not looking too bad but the side is terrible. The soil is just dry clay and needs some serious nutrients putting back in.

I made a start on dinner and sat on the porch in the sunshine while the boys played on their tablets. Huffle worked later than normal trying to get the horrible work done and then eventually we all had dinner. Foxy Loxy came to visit again this evening and Huffle threw a ball near him. He didn't pick it up and run back with it wagging his tail ha!

After dinner we were regaled with much piano playing and a Tuba session. They are very talented boys. Then we had to play hide and seek.


Happy birthday Little TateB for today

and LittleTateM for tomorrow.


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