Saturday, 13 April 2019

Knocking our Granny off the log near the Ganny

Today Huffle drove Small to his latest referee course before coming back and driving the rest of us to Port Hope for the “Float your Fanny up the Ganny”.  This is a river race with kayaks and canoes and then crazy floats with crazy people.  It was started 39 years ago to commemorate the town when it was flooded.

We got there about 11:30 just in time to see the canoes and kayaks finish their race.  The river was very fast flowing and looked incredibly cold despite the nice temperatures of 13*.  When the sun was out it was lovely though the cold coming off the river was at times quite cool.  We wandered one side of the river watching the canoes and seeing the various stalls and then we crossed the busy bridge and went onto the other side where we settled in to watch the crazy floats.

We happened to be in a rapid spot where lots of people lost control or capsized.  It was very funny.  There seemed to be a lot of rocks in the river and I can imagine there would have been an awful lot of bruises and scrapes.  Talking of bruises and scrapes, Grandma fell off the log she was sitting on, luckily not towards the river.

We watched until most of the ‘boats’ came through and then walked into the town and got a nice warming hot chocolate/tea/coffee before driving off home again.  On the way we saw the finish line.  Bearing in mind it was a fast flowing river going in one direction, Grandma asked if the start was the same as the finish!!! DOH! The floaters have to get out of the water, take their boats and one,of the team has to get to the finish.  There are trophies and cash prizes.

It was very entertaining and made better by the fact we had our picnic with us including scones and jam and cream.

Huffle collected Small who had done his Part1 ref course ready for Part 2 tomorrow.  There was a lot  of Footballing in the garden, some climbing of ladders and then we went out for dinner.  Good day.

1 comment:

Sarah Tomson said...

Just nipped on to see if there were any updates and have had 4 to read 😀 Sounds like an eventful couple of weeks, pleased to see the ice cream making its appearance and great to see all the lovely pics....I've missed them! Small is getting soooo tall! I can't believe it's 7 years since you moved! xx