Saturday, 25 August 2018

Monkeys, Games, Jazz and spice overload

Huffle and I went to see Arctic Monkeys in Toronto a few weeks ago.  It was great to be out.  I love the Monkeys but the sound was terrible.  They are a lot more ‘rocky’ than I thought they were and the more heavier more guitary numbers were too loud and vibratey.  And that’s not just us being OLD!!!!  They were really good but the sound did ruin the experience a little.

There have been lots of football games for both boys.  Both have now finished the season.  Smallest got a fabulous penalty this week which made Huffle very proud.  Smallest’s team played in a tournament last weekend and they lost both games.  They battled well but the their team was very unbalanced
despite them bringing a few new players in later.  Small has also done more refereeing but tha5s finished now too until indoor season when that nasty white stuff falls from the sky!!

I have been loving being back at Pottery.  It is now held in my teachers basement and garage and it is lovely.  It’s like being in a friend’s house.  In theee weeks I have created a bird feeder, an oil burner, a mug, some bells, a plate that was supposed to be a dinner plate for me but got smaller and smaller and is probably now a side plate.   I brought my clay home and Smallest and I were busy creating yesterday.  He made a plant pot and a cereal bowl and I made a spoon rest, a bowl and an egg cup.

Just need my own wheel and I can go into production ha!

Small has a once a week gardening job (cutting grass, clearing up etc) and while he does that, Smallest and I do a food shop  and play Pool at a local place.  We love it and he is getting better and better.  Sometimes Small joins us after he’s finished.

While Small was visiting his girlfriend (yes you heard correctly, more about that another time) Smallest and I went to the glow in the dark crazy golf which was fun and we followed it up with a milkshake for him.  Glad to have found a new place for Grandma’s tea, Moos coffee and Grandads ice cream let alone lovely cakes and cheesecakes for all.

We had a lovely day last Sunday at the Jazz Festival.  This is our seventh year (the first year being the
 year that Huffle and I came over for his job interview).  The bands were particularly excellent this year with some great new music for us to follow and listen to from now on.  We finished it off with a fabulous meal at our favourite Indian restaurant.  All in all a great day.  The weather was perfect too.

Unfortunately, my body does react well to too much spice and after the Indian meal, followed by next day leftovers and an Eid celebration at a friend’s house the day after, I suffered terrible heartburn all night Tuesday through the the next day including vomiting and serious pain.  Huffle took me to the
walk in clinic where they suspected I could be having heart problems and sent me to the hospital for an ECG.  We left the kids at home and didn’t tell them the whole story and went off to the local hospital where we sat for five hours hooked up to the ECG, blood pressure monitor whilst having lots of blood work taken.  Within the first half an hour we told it didn’t look bad at all and we weren’t to worry.  Having had little to no sleep the night before, I mainly dozed on and off!

After a long day, it was concluded all was well.  Heart, Liver etc checked and I was packed off with two weeks worth of ‘reflux’ tablets which seem to be working as I haven’t had any pain since except for muscle ache and a bit of nausea.  It was a bit of a scare though and makes you realise how infallible we all are.

Had a lovely FaceTime with MrsElderflowerMeadow today and although she is not feeling very good right now we had a laugh and a good catch up.  Miss her so much.  BIG HUGS to her.

One more week of Summer holidays for the kids and then back to school.  I will miss them, it’s been fun and feels like it’s gone by quickly.  However, they certainly need to go back to school.  Back in a routine and some structure to their days!


Sarah Tomson said...

Looks like you've been very busy again, loving the pottery it looks fantastic 😀
Also glad to hear you're feeling better, sounds like they gave you a full check up, pleased they checked your liver function as sounded very much like my original gallbladder symptoms!

One more day off for Connie and I then we are back at school, Isabels got 3 more days...these holidays seem to have gone quite quickly (they are always very jealous when yours break up earlier and go back later 🙊) xx

famfa said...

It is very thorough when anything is wrong. Perhaps too thorough....the story continues. I never saw this comment, I wonder why it’s not telling me anymore??? Xxx