Saturday, 10 March 2018

Half a bowlful

Small became ill on Wednesday and came home throwing up with sore tonsils which were very swollen.  Huffle took him to the walk-in (a twenty minutes drive away) carrying a washing up bowl for being sick in all the way (Huffle was pleased).  They gave him antibiotics and he threw up lots more, went to bed, slept half a day more in bed and then was fine.  He’s still taking his medicine but he’s much recovered.  He has Strep which is what Huffle had.  The doctor said someone in our house could be a carrier and if anyone else gets a sore throat we all have to go in to get tested!  So far the rest of us have been fine.  Small stayed off school on Thursday which is classed as a ‘skip day’ (the day before a holiday or PA day).  Friday was an offial day off school for Both boys and then the rest of next week is March Break

Small also started his referee course which Huffle took him to on Tuesday evening.  They put the wrong address into the GPS, got lost and ended up half an hour late.  He has three preparation evenings and he doesn’t have to go to them but it will be useful if he does.  Huffle has ordered his referee kit which includes a whistle and flags.

Smallest should have had his final football try out but he was sent an email telling him he didn’t need to attend as they wanted to look at the new people.  Plus he had secured himself a place on the team.  Yay.

The boys had a hair cut this week.  Smallest said the day after he went to school everyone said ‘have you had a haircut?’  He got annoyed but they told him it’s what you have to ask when someone has has a haircut.  He wasn’t impressed!

I went for a mid week walk with NoCustard.  We walked near her house, along the lake.  It was

Huffle has been working hard.  He had his performance review and he received an ‘exceeding
expectations’, a small bonus and small pay increase.  Well it’s something.  He thinks he will be getting a new boss very soon!

I have overextended my finger (bit weird) carrying my sewing machine and paraphernalia down the stairs.  It was swollen and very sore but it isn’t getting worse so I’m hoping it will be okay.  On the same day I trapped my thumb (same hand) in the drawer and now I have a black nail!  I am so clumsy!  I did two exercise classes OUCH and my Pottery (which was hard because it was the day after my finger incident). I finished all my clay and made a bowl (using a mould) and used someone
else’s red clay (lovely) to make a pinch pot, plus a new stamp.  Next week is our last week and we will be having a pot luck and glazing our pots.  OMG I have so many to do!  We are not sure what is
happening with the next course as the teacher is being interviewed next week.  There is talk about her doing something in her own home.  I definitely want to carry on.

All of our snow melted and then we had a bit more and then it melted and then we had more.  It’s been sunny but cold.  The clocks go forward tomorrow so that must mean it’s nearly Spring.  My bulbs I planted in the greenhouse at work have started shooting through, just a bit more warmth and I can bring them home.

Today we sorted Smallest’s allergy medicines and picked up new supplies from the pharmacy and changed the prescriptions to be in a closer pharmacy.  His eyes are running and getting gunky when he wakes.  It seems too early for allergies but another sign Spring is on the way.

We all had a lovely forest walk this afternoon.  Snowy paths in the forest, muddy paths on the outskirts on the forest, cold in the open parts and warm and sunny too.  We spent just under an hour walking.


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