Thursday, 12 April 2018


Huffle and Smallest dropped me at the airport which was incidentally very emotional and not something I would like to do too often.  I made my way, uneventfully, through customs and headed to my gate number.  I got the wrong gate and sat in AirChina for a while relaxing with my peppermint tea until I realised I wasn’t in the correct place.  The place I should have been had a huge queue so I joined it.  However, I soon found out, after being mistaken for a menopausal woman, that I was in a queue for Holland.  Right place, wrong time.

On the plane, my tv didn’t work and I got upgraded to a bigger seat, more leg room and a working tv and proceeded to watch TheGreatestShowman.  The man next to me fell asleep on my shoulder.  I fell asleep and was woken by a bumbling TrolleyDolley bumping my seat.  I had tiny bits of sleep and went back to my original seat just before landing.  We circled in the air for ages and struggled to park.  All in all not a bad flight.

AuntyA was there to meet me once I had found my extremely heavy case.  It was lovely to see her and we shared the weight of my bags going on three different trains up several flights of stairs in the tube and a taxi plus three flights of stairs to her flat.

We didn’t do much but chat and drink 3 cups of espresso before going out and meeting AuntyMiaow who had come down on the train to be with us for two days.  It was great the three of us together

We spent the day in and around GreenwichVillage.  We had Brunch in a lovely little cafe and wandered around GreenwichMarket and through the park before coming back for a rest.  I wasn’t feeling so well (upset tummy) and couldn’t eat my breakfast, couldn’t drink my tea in GreenwichParkCafe and was eventually given medication which worked almost instantly after having several cat naps.

For the evening we went to a lovely pub where I ate half of my dinner and managed half a pint of beer.  We had a great night chatting, catching up and being together.

The next day we had a long morning of chatting on beds, eating breakfast, Facetiming little boys who were missing their Mums and eventually getting ready and going out.  We started with a lovely wander through the flower garden of Greenwich Park and sitting in a lovely cafe having a cream tea.

We got on various trains and ended up in Dickensian London and wandering along the Thames.
Small had challenged me to find a photo just like his quilt cover (telephone box with Big Ben in the

background) so we tried to get that.  Later he told us it was the wrong angle.

We attempted to visit the Garden Museum set in a little old church and I asked the Volunteer what we could expect before we purchased the £10 tickets.  In a very posh voice she said “it is a Garden Museum. It is in an old church.  There is a cafe which you don’t have to pay for and a garden”. Not convinced we had got a good enough answer we asked if it had plants in or tools or.......?  She couldn’t answer so we left and had a quick look at an adjoining garden before walking to the Tate Britain where we looked at statues, paintings and people who were pretentious!  We travelled on more trains and then had dinner at a vegetarian restaurant which was very nice.  AuntyMiaow needed to leave us mid evening so we walked her towards the station and popped in a few shops.  We also walked along the canal and the new development around the station.

After saying goodbye to AuntyMiaow, we walked to a beer and pizza place AA knew.  Unfortunately I wasn’t feeling well again, couldn’t drink my little bear and had to get more medication on the way home.

Back at AA’s flat, we played many games of Monopoly Deal and tried to go to bed.  I couldn’t sleep until around 3am but I did feel much better the next morning when we carried all my bags back to the station and AA put me on the train to Leicester.

Lovely couple of days despite feeling so bad for some of it.

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