Friday, 20 April 2018


After breakfast, Yahoo and I took Peb out for a walk again across the fields.  We ventured past the sheep and the whole field came to see me at the gate.  So funny.  One of the fields was one we shouldn’t have crossed and the farmer chased us with his huge sprayer.  He probably didn’t chase us but he was close by and it made us walk very quickly.

I lurrrvve this photo soooo much

Yahoo had her ironing job to do and I walked to the Co-op and bought far too much chocolate to take home.  Once back I packed my bags and sat and chatted to Yahoo while she ironed.  Later,  Yahoo drove me back to Grandmas and I had lunch and Grandad took Grandma and I to the Leicester City Murals.  They were fantastic.  So clever.  I took many photos, plus a video, plus silly shots.

Grandma wanted to go somewhere nice with water so Grandad took us for a drink at TheMillOnTheSoar.  It was very busy and full of ‘interesting people’.  Not at all the ‘middle clarss ’ public I have been mixing with the larst couple of days!!!!

We came back briefly and got ready to go out for our evening.  Grandad took us to THURLASTON for a very nice dinner with UncleGrump and CousinE.  It was fabulous and the chef came and spoke to us several times.   Mainly to tell Grandma about the OliveDistbecause she kept forgetting to listen.

Nice day and evening.

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