Friday, 3 January 2014

Frost Quake

Todays temperature started at -25* with a windchill of -35* and just to prove it was properly cold I stuck my newly washed wet hair out of the door and it froze!

As well as the strange weather, we are also experiencing some Frost Quakes. It sounds like a tree has fallen on the roof or in our case, like a Moo has fallen out of bed.

Moo and I left all the boys at home this morning and went off to knitting. Last night I started Moo off on a Sock Monkey Hat for Smallest so she had something to do. First of all my car wouldn't start and then when it did, we couldn't get through the thick ice on the windscreen. It was a layer of thick ice, fallen ice bits from the tree above and then a thick layer of snow on top of all that. We got rid of the snow and started to chip away at the fallen ice bits but it was just too thick. It was incredibly cold too and our nose hairs froze (that is a very strange sensation). We decided to take Huffle's Hunk of Junk car instead but had to fill it up with petrol. I told the petrol man (he fills it for you in the Hamlet) I didn't know where the switch was to open the tank, we looked and searched and then wondered if it just opened manually - silly me, it did. Full of petrol and with the heat on full blast, we drove to knitting.

Today there were six of us. I carried on with my thrum socks which are lovely and will be very very warm when finished. Moo knit, undid, knit and undid her hat. When we left we went to look at floor samples again as the man who was fitting our Lino didn't think it was a good idea and suggested a Wood laminate instead. We picked up some samples and headed home, but not before we got stuck in the snow and did some wheel spinning.

The boys had had a fun morning of board games, gym time, a long walk around the house and some computer time. Once Moo and I were home we all had some lunch, played table tennis and made quiche for dinner and Choclate Banana Bread just because we had over ripe bananas.

We all played ticket to Ride and Smallest played properly this time - he did very well.

After dinner Huffle, Small and I went out to watch The Hobbit (again). This time we managed to see the whole film. It was cold in there and I had to wear Small's hat throughout the film and Huffle lost his his chocolate and water and didn't find it until the lights came back up.

It was a brilliant film.




Unknown said...

Mmm, cold seems to be the theme at the moment, don't think we can up quite grasp just how cold it must be. Have you still got that hood thing HB left as that seemed to cover most of the face, we found ours the other day, Unc Pear taking it to work. We v wet here but not cold. Started composting yesterday, yeah. x

Mrs Rumbleskins said...

Brrrr. Sending you some Aussie sunshine.