Thursday, 2 January 2014

Frozen inside and out

Today's temperature was -20 with a windchill of -30. Wow that was cold. After breakfast we went out to the cinema to see Frozen. It was the same cinema we went to see The Hobbit at so we were hopeful we wouldn't get evacuated this time. When we saw the trailer of this some time ago, the boys both wanted to see it as it seemed like it was all about a snowman and a reindeer who have fun on the ice. However it wasn't anything like that at all. It was a musical cartoon and I could hear Huffle groaning from where I sat two people away from him. He hates all musicals and this was quite a girly one really. The snowman was very funny and should have been in it more. He was voiced by Josh Gad who I really like and you could tell it was him instantly. Anyway Moo and I liked it, Smallest liked it all except for the kiss at the end and Small liked it apart from the songs (though I'm guessing that's because Huffle said it). Of course, in the cinema we had the usual yawping of kids and a lady who sat in front of Huffle sang, clapped her hands and generally jiggled her head. They are funny here, or is it us, too restrained?






When we came out it was even colder. We popped to the supermarket and got provisions for a warming soup this evening. We did a really quick shop, drove home, put everything away and had lunch.

While the boys played upstairs with their lego, Huffle, Moo and I played the old version of Ticket to Ride which Moo won easily. Then we all finished our game of UPSET from yesterday. I won. Hurrah!

A couple of games of Stack 'em Up followed by some more lego building and arguing and then we had our lovely warming soup. I made Italian Mixed Bean Soup for the grown-ups, Spinach and Tomato for Small and Creamy Tomato for Smallest.

Another game of Ticket to Ride and a couple of Tetris, some jigsaw and the boys went to bed and we played cards.


Unknown said...

Awake so after a couple of spoons of jelly the kids actually left, two games of Candy Crush here I am at 5am. Tell Huffle he will grow into Musicals, music's in his blood!

AA said...

I didn't know Huffle was a musical hater. I'm rethinking my association with your family... ;)
