Monday, 9 June 2014

Bazzas bargain, get the pool open

Huffle worked from home and had a horrible time. Work is awful for him and he is counting down the months.......

The boys went to school on the bus (I was going to bike with them but I didn't get ready in time). I went off to my Faraway Garden. Just as I was leaving, the pool people turned up. This time it wasn't MrLittleGrumpy, it was MrHappy and his man who were very nice. Apparently the pool was done and sorted with no problems that they couldn't sort. They left the pool filling with water.

At the Faraway Garden there was no major work being done today by bulldozers or rock movers so it was nice and quiet. Mich and her husband went off to pick up the bees they are having in the garden. S and I got on with moving some plants and weeding. The bees were put in place and after their initial sugar water, let out. I know they are not aggressive but I'm not keen on being too close, though they are fascinating to watch. Two and a half hours later and I drove home.

Mich and her Bee Top. The Bees.

I didn't shop on the way home as I was really really hungry and tired (I forgot to drink my coffee this morning) so I joined Huffle for lunch instead, briefly skyped Moo and then went out and did some food and pool shopping. I bought us all new noodles and water squirters.

While I was shopping I got a call from MrsM who wanted to know if I was available to go to the Royal York again tomorrow. YES! I came home and they boys were already home, Smallest wanting to go to Malcolms house. Small put the shopping away for me while I was gone and I helped him when I got back.

I skyped Moo properly sitting on the porch, telling her who was passing. I saw MrRoyal, Drew and ClownRose and our Cop neighbours across the road who are selling. They were having a viewing.

I made dinner, picked up Smallest and we all ate. Our evening ended with much pool maintenance, trampolining and watering of plants and then just as we were putting the kids to bed a man came to the door and spent a long time with Huffle persuading him to change the utilities to a different company. Huffle edit - for a decent saving obviously

Vacuuming and clearing of leaves. Ice cream eating and reading because he was grumpy!!
Boing boing boing
Our vegetable beds being watered

Foxglove. Coreopsis.

Lupin. A

Alium. Foxglove.

There is no update from Samsung re: COOKER as Huffle never got round to ringing them again today.


The theme was 'around the world'

Apparently there were a lot of water games to keep everyone cool


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