Thursday, 19 June 2014

Moo's Bungee.

This morning no-one wanted to get up. Huffle went to work but came back at 2pm ish as his phones were still down from the storm the other day. The boys went to school and nearly missed their bus as the driver was very early today. Moo and I went off to the Faraway Garden and worked hard for a couple of hours but also got served coffee and cake as a reward. I came home with another fruit bush (that's four now) and a big low growing pine which we secured to the roof of my car using bungee cords. We managed to get home on one piece plus the tree and had a much needed lunch on the porch.

Faraway Garden Frog

Faraway Garden Dog

After lunch (and a part game of scrabble in which Moo would like me to mention she won - we won't say anything about it being the first time in seven games), Moo mowed the grass in the back and I dug some garden at the front. Huffle came home (with a small incident on the way home when a piece fell off his car, thankful it's not an important part and his car doesn't make a rattling sound anymore) and did his telephone call in front of the muted TV (surprise surprise, the football was on - shame we didn't win.

At least she has both legs on the tractor this time!

Moo and I had a sneaky ice cream (well we had worked hard) and then I mowed the front garden and Then we planted the big pine tree. It is huge but looks like it was always there which is good.

Small came home home with a twisted ankle (actually he twisted it yesterday getting out of the shower and was wearing a support on it all day, though his shoes didn't fit over it!), soaked his foot in Epsom salts and then I took him to a Start of Summer Swimming Party at his friends house. Smallest didn't come home as he went straight to his friend's house from school where they played and swam and had a nice dinner. I had a quick dip in our pool (24*) had a shower and went to pick up Small who didn't want to come home yet and had had pizza at the party. Huffle sneaked a swim too. I came home and Moo, Huffle and I ate dinner and then Huffle picked up Smallest and then Small.

They were both very very tired and went to bed not long after.



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