Friday, 20 April 2012

It just pinged off somewhere!

Small and Huffle went to work and school.

The rest of us had a lazy morning. Madamme Courvoisier and Moo Skyped us. Grandad showed Madamme Courvoisier a trillium he had seen in a magazine. She wasn't impressed as she already had one! Moo wanted to know what we had planned for the day, and we showed her the celebrations we learnt in school the other day.

We eventually got ready and went out towards Uxbridge. We started off with a large ice-cream each (well not Grandma).


I showed Grandma Bulk Barn and we bought a few bits. Grandad and Smallest spent all their time around the chocolate and sweets bins. Grandma liked this shop.

Awwwwww sweets - give me them!

Next we went into Old Uxbridge. Grandad visited the bank. Smallest and I visited the Post Office. We all looked around the hardware shop and then stopped for tea at a coffee shop. (Grandma was not impressed with the tea here. She has decided that unless she finds an Irish Tea Shop, she will not have tea out from now on!).

Oh there they are again!
Grandma and I went grocery shopping while Grandad and Smallest went Garden Centre shopping. They bought a watering can (a red one, Smallest chose it and said it was because our other watering cans were green and red looked better). They came back ages before we were finished and the car was locked so they stood outside of the car. Grandad had to wear Smallest's hat and pretend to be Smallest, and Smallest pretended to be Huffle. Lots of people saw them and thought they were mad but I think they had fun. We bought another pie and hoped we could get this one home without it collapsing (we didn't manage it!).

When we got home it was gone 3pm. I sent Smallest with the key to open up while we carried in the shopping. He came out and said "I was just taking the key out and it pinged off my lip and went somewhere and now i can't find it". We all put down our bags and searched high and low. It took us ages and in the end we found it in one of the shopping bags. Silly Smallest!

It might look like grandma but it is actually Smallest having a grump! (you can tell from the hat!)

We put the shopping away, had a bit of lunch and then Small came home.

Grandma spent some time in the Laundry room (we thought she had fell in the dryer). Grandad made a border in front of the barn and Smallest and I went and delivered BabyMo's present. (it is her first birthday).

This is a purple pink colour scheme

Everyone played football. We had two goalies.

Small and Huffle played on one team and Smallest and I on the other. It was very funny.

Grandma and I decided to make a start on dinner and All the boys made a fire in the pit and collected chairs to go round it.

We all sat round eating dinner surrounded by Mosquitos. I sat next to the citronella candle. I am itching. I think I may have been bitten again. The other day one bit me through my slipper (how did that happen?).

Mesmerised by the fire. It's in the genes.
All of us

Man make fire and poke with big stick

Boys in bed. Men cleared the kitchen. Time for cards.



Anonymous said...

sounds like a genetic "H" family day: icecream and fire,you can't beat it. as Grandma & Grandad have obviously rekindled their love, have you thought of arranging for them to renew their vows while out there !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi famfa

We're back from Cornwall and I have just enjoyed catching up on your time with Grandma and Grandad. Looks as if your having lots of fun family time.

Skype soon

Lots of love Yahoo xxx

Clare said...

Hello! Haven't had a chance to read your posts for a few days, so just catching up this evening. Sounds like you are having a great time with your visitors. Lots of adventures - and boy, do you lot like ice-cream!!

Big hugs

Jumbleberries xx

famfa said...

Anonymous - we did think about them renewing their vows. You obviously know the "H's". Do we know you?

famfa said...

Yahoo - glad you got to Cornwall, hope it was a good break.

Jumbleberries - we certainly do like ice-cream. Grandad used to make his own too