Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Paper, scissors, stone

Smallest woke us in the night after having a nightmare about the house being on fire and all of us being trapped (people from the party were there too) and all the doors locked themselves. He was very upset. He crawled into bed and hugged me really tightly. We persuaded him to go back to bed eventually and left him with his wind up torch in case he got scared again. All these interrupted nights sleep is no good.

After the heat wave that happened in Britain recently, they are now back to winter with snow in some parts. Speaking to LizzieDotDot yesterday, she thought that I was sending our weather to them. Well it is spring-like today, so I shall send you some of that.

This was my favourite picture from the Telegraph today.

Smallest and I went through his 'animated literacy' book today (or phonics as we know them). Poor thing, all the phonics he learnt in the UK no longer apply, he has had to start all over again. But he pretty much knows them. Just needed a few reminders. He finished off his colouring from this morning and yesterday. We skyped Grandma briefly.

It was my turn to not feel so well today. I have a water infection (same old same old) so smallest and I popped along to the Walk In Clinic. There were a few more people in there today, but still I got seen quite quickly by a lady doctor who was very polite and friendly and prescribed some antibiotics for ten days. (I have been having the same problems for a few years now and going back and forth to the doctors in the UK and the most they have ever given me is a weeks worth. Never ten days. It was the same with the antibiotics we were given for Small, he was only ever given a weeks worth at a time. Hope that's a good sign, giving us enough to treat the problem, instead of us going back after a week because it's not worked - we'll see).

We took an activity book with us (I had no idea how long we would be there) and while the doctor was talking to me, Smallest did some more colouring and dot to dots. We popped into the supermarket next door (the nice one), picked up my prescription and a few goodies and went back home. Whilst we were eating lunch Huffle emailed and told me to fill up with petrol. (it is going up 4.5 cents overnight). So we filled up (Small asked if we could go in the car! I asked him how we were going to get petrol if we weren't in the car! Carry a bucket? Silly Billy, he has been in a very silly mood today, which is nice, lots of giggling and laughing which cheered me up no end). All afternoon I have been saying things like "dear aunty pear, I am very silly and I can't find my shoes!, dear aunty pear I am throwing my Lego all over the place and no-one should buy me anymore till I pick it up". All because we were writing to her at the time. He gave himself hiccups laughing so much.

We made some of his Lego together and I helped him write some thank you letters. His writing is coming along beautifully. He decided who he was going to write to. We have lots more to do - it may take some time.

We played outside for a while, on the swing, on his bike (while I scooted on Small's scooter - shhh, he doesn't like me going on it). When Small came home, we finished the Lego, wrote another thank you and they went and played on the computer (not before Small made me a cup of tea, well nearly, all but pouring the hot water!).

The boys played paper, scissors, stone to decide who's choice they were having for dinner. Different. Smallest won. Maybe politicians should employ this tactic?

Huffle had another tough day at work. People playing silly bu993rs!

We have had our dinner of Tilapia and are going to sit and watch 'rubbish' on the TV, maybe eat a pastry. I have some knitting to do (it's a secret!).





Bridget Larsen said...

Thank you so much for my Pay it forward parcel that came today, I love it all, so darned cute
thank you thank you, I had forgotten about it

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Huffle. Famfa I hope the medication does the trick. & you are feeling brighter soon. Everett Xxx

My name is Cindy said...

Your boys are adorable!! Got to your blog from WOYWW but couldn't get the link to work. As a fellow sufferer with the water problem I get your frustration. One time last year I had three lots of abs - the last lot, the strongest was for two weeks and did the trick. Aaargh!! Have a happy WOYWW Cindy #67