Monday 22 July 2013

Bye bye Miaow and Tuc


In the night one of our smoke alarms went off. We are having a lot of trouble with the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. We have changed them, changed the batteries and tested them regularly. Bloomin' things. Huffle and I were squirrelling around the house. Huffle got very confused trying to get out of our bedroom door "it's not working, something's wrong, the door won't open!!! Help me!" YOU'RE TRYING TO OPEN THE WARDROBE DOOR YOU WALLY!

Huffle went off to work reluctantly. The boys got up too early as usual. Aunty Miaow, Uncle Tuc and I had a slow breakfast and a slow getting ready. We were just going to play in the garden and pool today but it was cloudy and cooler so we decided to go for a cycle, scoot, walk along the beach and park.

When we got there it was really hot and we had a good walk, ate some sunflower seeds, Smallest fell off his bike a few times, worried a stranger on a bike who thought he was all by himself and walked back to the park.

By this time we were hungry so we let ALL the boys play on the park..........

and then went for something to eat. Our first choice place was closed so we tried a new one. Looked a bit dodgy and we wondered what we would get but as Uncle Tuc says 'don't judge a book.......'. It was lovely. The man who owned it was Scottish and we had a good chat with him.

We came home and ALL the boys got in the pool and had 'silly time'. Miaow had her shower and sat with me drinking tea watching them. Then they packed. Huffle came home and everyone said their goodbyes and I took them to the airport.

The traffic was fine and we got there in good time. After a circular tour of the airport wondering which terminal we wanted I eventually dropped them off. Hugs, kisses, promises of keeping in touch better and a return visit and they were gone. I drove home and the traffic wasn't too bad again. A bit blocked in a couple of places but I got back just in time to read to Small. He told me Aunty Miaow had read loads and loads, much more than I ever did! I read for a while and then sat and had tea and toast with my Huffle.

It has been a fabulous visit and we really enjoyed having Miaow and Tuc here with us. We have had much fun and hilarity. Now it is time to concentrate on our holiday which is coming up soon. HURRAH.



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