Sunday 14 July 2013

Moodles Noodles

We started the day with a game of UPSET and we ended the day with a game of UPSET!

In between we had a whole day up by the pool, in the pool, playing cards, reading, listening to music, playing DS and we had a BBQ dinner.

The temperature was 29* feeling like 36*. Fabulous but a little too warm to be in the sun so I made a Mummy shade by the pool out of a Dust Sheet which made some lovely respite from the sunshine.

Aunty A skyped us while we were in the pool Snorkelling. I stayed in the pool to speak to her, it was very funny. Eventually we lost the connection due to my phone overheating.

Once the boys were in bed we played table tennis. Moo beat me. Six weeks and she got me! She has beat me before but normally when I am hungry, tired, ill or some other excuse. Today I have no excuses, she just beat me fair and square. That's it - GO HOME!

Well done to Aunty A for running a 10k today (it must have been a hot one in London too!). Also well done to Uncle Pear for winning his golf championship for the tenth time. Wahooo.

I don't know if I have mentioned that Aunty Miaow and Uncle Tuc are in Canada at the moment. They arrived on Wednesday and are driving around a bit before they come and stay with us. It sounds like they are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to catch up with them properly soon.



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