Tuesday, 20 December 2016

We got a tree!!!!

I took my medicine last night, that is supposed to knock me out before bed and the damn thing kept me awake until 2am!!! My legs were twitching and I felt like going out for a run, except my head was drowsy. I was boiling hot and finally got to sleep with fits of coughing during the night - sorry Huffle! Everyone went to bed early last night.

Poor Smallest wasn't very well this morning. He had funny little red cheeks (he reminded me of an elf). He had a cough and his throat hurt and he had a tiny little squeaky voice. We decided to keep him off school and he lay on the settee, had small bites to eat, played a few games and watched a film or two. Moo and I fit in a game or two of SkipBo.

Moo and Huffle went off around midday on an adventure to find a tree and a present for one of the boys. They came back with a lovely tree (smaller than our usual ones) perfectly formed. After some lunch and A Charlie Brown Christmas we decorated the tree lovingly and broke four ornaments. Smash smash smash smash. Of course, all glass ones!

We finished just as Small came home and then I decided I wanted to move the tree to another spot as there seemed more room. Of course, this disturbed the tree and we had to re-anchor and position it. It looks nice though. There is already a present under there from Papa Elf saying "to whoever has been naughty". This is one of our traditions since moving here, that appears under the tree and gets packed away every year. It is a Barbie doll and no-one seems to want her!

Small and I put up his tree in his bedroom and I threw decorations at him whilst laying on his bed. He did a good job. We can't find Smallest's tree so we have to get him a new one.

This morning Moo and I made a hearty vitamin C fuelled soup to try and get everyone well before Christmas Day. After dinner, Small made us a dessert of meringue, dream topping and fruit. Very nice. I am now eating small stuff hurrah. No more tummy rumbles all through the night and it means my nausea has gone. Early afternoon I took my drowsy medicine again and this time (after a couple of hours), my legs turned to jelly and my head went really fuzzy but it did not send me to sleep.

This evening Huffle took Smallest to the walk in doctors and had to beg to be seen as they were trying to close up. They did see him and gave him antibiotics for suspected strep throat. They send the swab off but it won't come back until after Friday and beating in mind it is the weekend and Christmas, he will probably have finished the medicine before they know properly. I guess he will be off tomorrow too.


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