Tuesday 17 January 2012

Goodbye Moo

Moo is going home this afternoon.  She has been here for five weeks.  She has been in this house as long as we have. It will seem very strange around here without her.

Small went to school on the bus again.  It was horrible watching Moo watching Small getting on the bus knowing that she wouldn't see him for while.  He said nonchalantly "see you on Skype".  Smallest stayed at home.  After breakfast smallest finished off some colouring he was doing for our friends back home.  

Concentrating on his drawing 

Moo helped to colour in


We played a couple of games (not Disney Monopoly - wahoooo).

The temperature was around 8* today but it rained a lot and it was really foggy.

At 2pm we left for the airport.  The roads were busy and the fog got thicker, luckily it cleared on the highway and we got there in plenty of time.  We had checked in online before we got there so thought we would just have to drop the bags off without waiting in line.  However everyone in the queue had also checked in online so there didn't seem to be an advantage at all.  It didn't take long and Small was making us smile.

New form of transport 

 Moo trying to be brave, Smallest doing silly face

 The foggy runway

 This doesn't make it look too bad but you could hardly see the planes.

Moo left us with lots of hugs, kisses and promises to Skype and email.  We waved her away.  Smallest was really upset.  He kept saying "....Moo has gone, ....Moo has gone".  I tried to tell home she would be back soon and that we could see her on the computer but he took it quite bad.

Bye bye Moo, thanks for helping us to settle in the new house.  

We will miss you.  Don't forget to email us when you get home.

We drove back along the highway to pick Small up from his friends (he went there after school).  It was even foggier, even busier and Smallest was bored and sad.

The tops of the buildings had disappeared into the fog.  Look at all that traffic!!

Picked up Small who had had a whale of a time.  Finally got home about 6pm.  Quick rush of dinner and then we put the kids to bed.  Not done that for five weeks.  Moo did it.  Shock! It takes ages!  OMG I've got the morning rush to do all by myself.


We were a bit worried that the fog may have delayed Moo's flight but we checked online and it actually left 1 minute early.  While I was looking for the flight information I found a story about a flight that was due to land at London Heathrow and an announcement went out to say that the plane was about to crash into water.  I panicked just briefly but it wasn't Moo's plane and it was a mistake.  They mistakenly put out an announcement!  Fancy playing that out on a plane.  How awful.  Can you imagine the horror?




Harborough Dad said...

Hope Moo has a good trip home. Looking forward to catching up with her for a coffee when she is back in the swing of things back in Blighty.

Fab colouring Smallest.

Jumbleberries xx

Brenda B said...

Ah, the goodbyes are never easy are they? Glad to hear she had a good flight back though.


Anonymous said...

Everett here. Daily reading fantastic!!! Xxxx

famfa said...

Thanks Everett - good to know you are up till 12:30 still reading the blog. Keep if up xx

Anonymous said...

Everett here. Daily reading fantastic!!! Xxxx