After the incessant rain had almost cleared away all the snow yesterday, and we started to see glimpses of grass, it started snowing again today. Temperature was 1* and the snowflakes were reminiscent of the snow back home in the UK. Lovely fluffy big flakes of snow that settled instantly.
I tried hard to take a photo that showed the snow falling.
Small went off to school.
Smallest and I lazed, laughed, tickled and danced. Then we got ready to go out to the bank. We have finally been paid our relocation costs. At last! We can now start getting the loft plaster boarded (dry walled is what we call it here). That means I have to make friends with the neighbours across the road as there is a good handy man there who has been recommended by KP. We have the occasional wave as our kids get on the school bus but as yet I hadn't ventured over there. I needn't have worried. I met the lady 'M' who was very friendly and will send her husband 'D' over in the next couple of days. She did ask if we had experienced any problem with our Cess Pit! She said she knew the previous owners had had problems with it but that could have been some time ago. Oh dear! Wonder what that is then?
On the way to the bank, Smallest and I were having a chat about being in Canada. This is one conversation we had:-
Smallest: do we get a new Grandma here in Canada then?
Me: of course not, we've already got one!
Smallest: but what about when we don't know her anymore?
Me: we will always know her, forever, she's your Grandma
Smallest: but we never see her. We never go round there anymore
(we used to go round every Saturday)
Me: we do, on Skype. And she's coming to visit us. She will visit us now instead of us visiting her. She will come for her holidays like Moo does.
Smallest: oh I see. OK then.
Bless. It's okay Grandma, we can keep you! How their little minds work. He also wanted to know if Uncle Grump was coming to live in Canada because I told him that he had just moved house. He said he missed him and wished he would move here.
We did our banking business. Although they are holding our cheque for five business days to check that it is legitimate! Then we went to a place that I was told had a post office in it. However when I got there it was the right store but a different location. So I bought some envelopes and some stamps (which only come in eights). "but I don't know anyone here to send a letter to!" I said. The woman looked at me and said "You're new here aren't you?" and then invited me to a pantomime that was happening in the local town in March. She was producing it and asked if I would like to bring my daughter along. Whoops. I said "SON, he's a boy!" Oh yes she said, of course. Does anyone think I need to get Smallest's hair cut? Except you Unc Pear!!!!
We watched a movie and played with some cars and skyped HB. Unc and Aunt Pear were there too so we had a nice chat and Smallest showed them all his cars, one by one. I'm sure they were very pleased!
Small came home. He won a prize for being good at school. A small set of War Cards! He played the game with Smallest, Smallest won and now the game has been left on the table. Ummmmm, so if I keep winning Monopoly does that mean he won't want to play anymore???????
We refused to play Monopoly today. We needed a break! Small was not happy!
No mouse.
Would like to mention that my dear friend Everett lost her Father last weekend. Our thoughts are with her and her family at this sad time. It is times like this that I really miss being home. I am powerless to do anything but email.
I love the stuff 4 years old's say. A couple of days before Xmas my Princess asked me if she was a special baby when she was born. I reassured her that of course she was, "the most special baby in the world" I said. She then asked if that meant that she was as special as the baby Jesus? Wasn't sure how to answer that....
Jumbleberries xx
I did love being shown all the cars one by one
Am I being replacedas well then ? :(
Joking of course
Can't wait to see you all
HB xxx
Typing error
Thank you Famfa. Everett xxxx
Thank you Famfa. Everett xxxx
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