Friday 22 June 2012

Mowed by Moo

This morning Moo and I had breakfast with the boys as we were going out early. We all had boiled eggs and soldiers. They were boiled perfectly. I skyped Grandma whilst eating (most rude but the best time to catch me sitting still for long periods of time).

Once the boys were on the bus, Moo and I went to Mrs Royals and she drove us to a nearby forest. The walk was called Spirit of ...... (can't remember). It was very very wet, long grass. We walked for about an hour and a quarter. It was a good hard up and downhill walk. Lots of Mosquitos though. We had to walk in single file so I watched Mrs Royal's back and Moo watched mine and swatted the mossies away. Oh Who swatted Moo's? We had covered ourselves in mosquito repellant as I had been bitten the night before on my leg and it had swelled. It was the size of my palm and very hot. Then it got bigger and bigger until it was larger than my hand! I had to take antihistamine.

The forest walk
Mrs Royal on safari
Jungle Moo

Part of the way around the walk, we stopped high on a seat and looked at the lovely view.

It was a different forest to the ones we normally go to. Lots of open spaces.
Having five minutes. Moo was smiling before I took this. Whoops!
Beautiful trees and beautiful blue sky
Just a few odd clouds
Lots of pines all in a row

When we got back we sat outside. The temperature today was lovely. Not humid. Hot but not too hot. We decided to get the mower out. I started and then Moo carried on. It suited her.

Our patch of day lilies almost in bloom.

Look how pleased she is with herself!
Up and down, whoops you missed a bit
Our veg beds, thriving.

I was taking a picture of the sky when I noticed Moo still mowing.

We stopped for lunch and I Skyped Yahoo. We had a good catchup - not spoken to her for a while.

We ate lunch and then I finished the back bit of the back garden. We thought we would leave the other part plus the front till Monday or Wednesday. We sat and played a few rounds of scrabble and then got ready to walk to school. Smallest's class was having a presentation.

Smallest and his friend - Smallest was the 'rich man'
Watching another group doing their piece.

We sat in the library and watched three different groups performing a play about a stone cutter. They were very cute and said their lines beautifully.

The class watching their presentation

After all three groups had performed, they showed a slide presentation of various photos the teacher had taken since they started in that class. There wasn't too much of Smallest as he didn't start there until November. We all have a copy of the photos which is set to some cheesy music.

We walked home from School. Moo and Small lagged behind and Smallest and I walked quickly because he desperately needed a poo!

We played outside. We played a game called "don't say it" where you have to get the others to guess a word without saying certain describing words. Very funny, especially when Smallest plays. One of his words was 'cut'. "daddy cut one of these down". "a tree?" "no but he cut one, oh whoops, I said it". Another one was leg! "I sit on one". "a chair?" "no with my legs, oh no I did it again!"

Huffle came home early and we barbecued. This time in the sunshine, no rain, no thunder and no lightning. Very dull really. We had salmon, tilapia, potatoes with rosemary and Parmesan and Small's Banana, choc, Marshmallow and Syrup pudding - nice! The salmon was lovely. Even Moo thought so. She didn't like the Tilapia.

The boys played and then watch TV whist Moo, Huffle and I raked and cleared the grass cuttings. There were a lot. Then huffle played the don't say it game with Smallest again.

Moo put the boys to bed. Tonight Moo is in the loft and Smallest is in the library on the air bed.

We grown ups sat on the porch, blogging, cross wording and IPad cricketing! It is a lovely temperature now. A light breeze.


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