Monday 3 October 2011


The house viewers from Friday and Sunday put in an offer which was too low and have gone away to think about another offer. EXCITING.

While Small went to his friend's house after school, Smallest had a friend back to play. They ran around the garden, played with Lego, played football, and played balloon sword fighting. (yes I have been balloon modelling AGAIN!)

Oooh what can you make?

Ah take that

Aha now I've got two swords

arrrrrrrrrrrrr my sword is bendy

take that- and that

and that

ahhh run away

I forgot to post these pictures yesterday:-

SMALLEST:  What would you like for your birthday dear brother?

SMALL:  The moon!

SMALLEST:  Okay.....

SMALLEST:  Here it is

SMALL:  Oh thank you little brother xx

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