Saturday 11 February 2012

HB arrives

We awoke this morning to horizontal snow and -12 with windchill -17.  The extractor fans were going mad in the wind.  We had a Skype message from Grandma and Grandad who told us that HB got on her flight on time and was due to be with us at 3pm our time.
The boys made sure their signs for the airport were okay.
And worked out which way to turn the sign to make sense.
 We put HB's picture up so she would know which her room was.
 We put the bunting up
Huffle hoovered (vacuumed) everywhere.  The boys had baths.  The bathrooms were cleaned.  The toys were put away.  All is spick and span.  Anyone would think the Queen was visiting!
We went off to the airport about 2:30 after checking on her flight (it was delayed slightly).  It was a cold drive with "lovely dancing snow on the highway" so says Huffle.  The salt on the road kept getting onto the windscreen and the sun was so bright, it made driving conditions very difficult.
We waited for ages with our flags and our banner.  We kept getting in a muddle and putting our banner in the wrong order.
Small lost his flag through the viewing window.
HB finally arrived about 4pm.  The boys were very excited.  We spent ages trying to contact her family to let them know she arrived safely but no-one was online, texts weren't getting through.  Hopefully someone got the message.  SHE IS HERE, SHE IS FINE, WE HAVE FED HER, SHE HAS SET UP THE PENGUIN GAME!
Her flight was good and she sat next to a Canadian woman who was nice until she started throwing up (Canadian not HB!).
Some of HB's photos from the plane.  WOW!
Cool photos.
On the way home we stopped at a pizza place and took some pizzas home.  This is the first time we have had takeaway pizza since we moved here.  It was lovely.
The boys showed HB around and showed her where she was sleeping.
 The Penguin Racer

Aunt Pear bought Grandad a scanner that puts the old slides into a digital format and sent them with HB.  We sat and looked at them all, mainly of Huffle when he was little.  This was my favourite one.
He looks scared.  Is he saying "why is that Beaver dressed as a fireman?" or "I 'ain't never gonna live in a country where the animals have teeth that big!".   Awwwww what a cutie!
We finally got a message through and skyped Aunt & Unc Pear, Grandad, Betty Brownie, Mr Moose, Mr&MrsB and Cookie.  We had a silly chat (I think they were all drunk!!!!).  Don't worry, we will look after HB for you, we won't feed her to the Bears!


Anonymous said...

Loved the piccies yesterday, and we all enjoyed the silly Skype which seemed perfectly sensible after 3 glasses of Sloe Gin!Glad everything go ok and relaxed once knew my v valuable parcel arrived safe and sound! Enjoy the week. Aunt P xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Enjoy HB's visit. Tell Huffle the Beeeeaver thing goes back along way then!!!! Lol. Everett xxx