Monday 7 January 2013

Got a beanbag?

Poor Huffle, had to get up so early to get to work. He woke me but not intentionally, and then I heard Small getting up. luckily I was already awake because he forgot to get me up. The temperature was -7 and the ice was on the inside of the sun room windows.

It was tough getting into the school routine again. Small had his breakfast and went up to get washed and dressed, lunch was made. Smallest was not at school today so he watched TV while Small and I ran around. Moo stayed in bed but not for long as Small decided if he had to be up then so should she and he naughtily woke her up.

After we waved Small off to school, Moo, Small and I had breakfast. We played table tennis and I did a mile on the Eliptical and a kilometre on the bike - hard work but I am trying to get back to doing five km a night again.

We got ready and went out with the intention of going to the Glow in the Dark mini golf. It took a while to get there and when we did it was closed. The man said it opened at 2pm and it was only just 12. We went to the Irish Pub for lunch. Moo and I had a lovely creamy Butternut Soup and we all played Hangman while we waited. We attempted to go to a beach with a park but my sat Nav took us to an industrial estate and then said "prepare to park and walk to your destination". We couldn't see the lake, there was a huge high bank between us and the beach. There was fencing all along and no way of getting through (well we couldn't see one). Also we were not dressed for walking in the snow and cold. So we decided to go home, however on the way we passed some shops and persuaded Smallest to go in with us. We were looking for a beanbag for the boys bedrooms. We found a few but nothing quite right!

We came in briefly for a hot drink and then went out in the front garden to build a snowman. The snow was definitely not the right kind for building snowmen but we tried and we worked hard at building a hump that didn't really stick! Then we started trying to add to the boys wall (or fort).

Small came home and helped us for a while and then they played in the Jungle Gym while Moo and I prepared dinner.

Moo and I played Table Tennis. Small and Moo played. Huffle came home and we ate dinner. Small blogged and Huffle and Smallest worked out which TV channels we watched so he could try and reduce our TV package. More table tennis was played between Moo, Huffle and I. The boys played indoor football and then watched YouTube - someone else playing Mario Bros. They are hooked at the moment.

Moo put the boys to bed. I soaked my feet as they are really hurting me today. Huffle played with the computer - that's him AWOL till bedtime.

Huffle had a 'not bad' day today - lots of catching up.

Small had a good day at school apart from recess when some other people tried to knock down his and his friends snow fort! Smallest is back at school tomorrow and looking forward to it - Me too.

When Huffle went up to kiss Smallest goodnight he said this "right you can go now Daddy because I'm saving a cough for when you go so you don't catch my germ". Ahh bless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How mean for it to be so cold when Huffle goes back to work,, hope the 'not bad ' days continue. I love how you all embrace the snow and enjoy it. Good on ya. x