Sunday, 14 December 2014

First day on the slopes

After a nice lie in and a breakfast made by Small (he won the 'Smallest crown' for making the best scrambled egg)..............

.........we eventually got out of the house (12 midday ish) and headed for the slopes. It was lightly raining all day but a constant temperature of around 3*. This was our first boarding/skiing session of the season. Yesterday the boys presented Moo with the first of her Christmas presents (ski poles) so she now has all the kit and we don't have to wait for her to be kitted out at the rental place.

By the time we loaded the car, found missing gloves, added helmets, boots and goggles etc, it was 1pm before we got our passes. Huffle found a deal and got us three lift passes and two magic carpet rides and we all headed for the nursery slopes. This is the first time Moo has used all her kit so she tested it out and it was all good (Huffle sorted her bindings out after watching a video on YouTube, saving us a trip to Whitby and a bit of money). TODAY I LEFT MY PHONE/CAMERA AT HOME (GASP) SO I HAD TO RELY ON HUFFLE'S BLACKBERRY - HE DID WELL.

Smallest was the first down the slope and I was nervous watching him as it had been a while, but he was amazing. So confident. Small was next and he went down gracefully but not too fast. Huffle and Moo had no problems and made it look so easy. I was less than confident but after a few goes I was okay.

Moo and Huffle went up the chair lift to Little Momma. Huffle had some problems getting off the lift as it is tricky with a board attached to one of your feet. They came down and persuaded me to go up so I went up with Moo. I fell off at the end of the lift and scrabbled around trying not to get hit by the chair! It was a nice slope to come down though. We took it in turns staying with the boys and going up the chair lift.

Huffle helped the boys to learn how to turn (we definitely need to get them some proper lessons, good though Huffle is, lessons would help them greatly). Small has signed up for lessons after school in the New Year so fingers crossed it goes ahead this year. After an hour we stopped for a bite of yesterday's cold pizza and a drink before Huffle and I decided on going up on Rendevouz, a much higher slope. It was supposed to be Moo and Huffle but Moo somehow persuaded me to go instead! I fell off at the end (I really didn't even like the lift) and then once I was free of the lift, I boarded along a really nice gentle slope but fell quite badly and twisted my knee, foot and bumped my hip. That's when I decided I couldn't go down. Then I saw the slope and had a bit of a panic (well a huge panic really). There were three medics standing at the top of the slope which panicked me even more. Even Huffle was a bit wary of going down but he would have tried if I hadn't been so scared. I bottled it and we went down the other side (a bit less steep) though I did walk down a bit first. Once past the steep part I was fine but I felt my confidence had taken a huge blow. I was ready to quit but Moo and Huffle persuaded me to go back up Little Momma. I did and then I was fine and did a bit more Nursery sloping with the kids till my bindings broke and I had to give up (though I did have a go on Small's board).

TL: Me, Small and Smallest taken by Huffle who was up on the chairlift.

TR: Us at the top of the very steep mountain.

BL: Moo on the chairlift. BM: Me. BR: Smallest.

Moo did fabulously and actually looked a little bored but she wasn't she was just very good obviously. Huffle looked like a natural. Smallest kept going and going and going, so different to last year when he would get cold, or fall and get really upset. He did fall over today but only when he was picking his board up. The medics came right over to check him out which was nice. Small did well but needs to get enough confidence to go faster. Considering it was our first session, I think we all did very well.

TL: Smallest. R: Huffle

BL: Moo and Smallest.

After three hours, we went for something to eat and opted for Fish and Chips as it doesn't matter what we wear or that we were dripping in snow! We came home, got warm and got all the clothes dry. Some presents were put under the tree, Huffle had a soothing bath and Moo and I emailed and blogged while the kids watched TV.

I think there may be some sore muscles and bones tomorrow.



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