Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Tiptoeing on Eggshells*

I think I may have said in yesterday's post that the snow didn't settle. Well I was wrong, when we went up to bed I looked through the window and this is what I saw.

It obviously snowed through the night too because there was a good covering in the morning. I persuaded the kids to wear coats and snow boots, though they were attempting to go to school in trainers!

Huffle stayed at home again and was very very busy. I went to aerobics and although everyone was under the weather we had a good session and worked hard. At home I watched the end of a programme and then showered before chatting to Moo on FaceTime. Not long now and she still hasn't even begun to pack.

After lunch with Huffle I went off to the dentist. I had a tooth that needed filing as I has chipped it. I got in early and they ushered me straight through. As I sat on the chair I asked the nurse (dental technician, whatever she is called) if I was going to have an injection. "You mean a needle?" She thought I was, as she read my notes. I told her I didn't want one, I didn't feel I needed one and I thought I was just being 'smoothed'. She had a word with the dentist who asked how I was feeling. NOT SO GREAT NOW I KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO INJECT ME, I said. I told him how much I hate the injection, that it doesn't work 100% and it makes me feel ill. Plus after a week I can still feel where he injected me last time. He looked at my notes and then my tooth, smiled and said "we've had this conversation before haven't we?". He did actually manage to file my tooth and make it 'good' without any anaesthetic. Wahoo. He asked how it felt and I said FABULOUS and jumped off the chair. I celebrated with a cup of tea at Suffolks on my way home just fifteen minutes later.

I didn't pick up the boys or Tuba today as I wasn't sure whether I would be numb or not. As the boys got off the bus, Small met me with "do you think it's fair that I get to give my seat on the bus up for Small because he's older? NO I DON'T, I THINK THATS MEAN AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR OF IT HAPPENING AGAIN. Small said "but it's the rules of the bus. Older students get to sit at the back of the bus and can move a younger one out of their seat". We argued about it for a while until Small stomped off to his room. Not impressed! Had a chat about it later. It seems that for health and safety reasons the older ones are at the back and the younger ones at the front in case of a fire. However, it seems the students have taken it upon themselves to say that the older ones get first choice of seat and if a younger student is in a seat they want, they are allowed to turf them out. The bus driver though, seems to think different and has asked them not to do this (so Smallest says though Small disagrees). I have made my feelings very clear so hopefully they won't be messing again. I told Small not to turf younger ones out and to find another seat (for goodness sake the journey is a five/ten minute ride) and I have asked Smallest to find a seat in the middle to stop people wanting it. I never rode a bus for school so I can't say if this is a North American thing or just a school bus thing!

Homework, showers and piano practice was done while I made dinner. A lovely salad, Macaroni Cheese and chicken. After dinner we all played on the IPads.


*A quote from the TV programme "Don't tell the Bride"



1 comment:

Mrs Rumbleskins said...

I used to go to school on a school bus. It was always the older kids at the back unless you were a complete nerd like me and then you never got to sit in the back no matter how old you were. It had nothing to do with fire safety and everything to do with being older and cooler. Good on you for sticking up for smallest!