Thursday 17 October 2013

Mummy's Mowing Mishaps

Huffle and I had a terrible night's sleep. Huffle - probably had a lot on his mind due to work and I think I kept him awake. Me - was so damn hot. Windows were opened, quilt chucked off but I was burning. At some point during the morning I noticed my temperature was back to normal and I curled up under the quilt. So very tired today but not feeling so bad so that's good.

Huffle went to work as soon as he was certain he didn't need to stay and look after me (bless him). The kids went to school but nearly missed the bus as we were too busy chatting at the door - it was early today.

I cancelled my exercise class and my walk with NoCustard (who still has a problem with her knee), but had a forty minute workout in the basement (not a hard one) whilst watching two episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Then I had breakfast and read my book. I had a quick chat with Grandma and I went out and raked some leaves onto the veggie beds and came in and skyped Moo. We had a good chat while I made my salad for lunch and then I ate it relaxing in front of The Good Wife. I was supposed to have a quick nap (Moo said) but I was quite awake after lunch.

This afternoon I mowed the grass, or more accurately I shredded the leaves. Today I had three little mishaps. The first one was when I was mowing alongside the veg beds and the mower got caught on a nail and pulled the bed, horse poo and all the leaves, all over the grass Arrrgghhhhhh. The mower was stuck and I had to literally pick up the mower (it's heavy!). I put the bed back as best I could and piled the poo and leaves back in. The next thing I did was to mow too close to a tree and partly ripped off the Deflector Shield that covers the cutting blades. This wasn't a huge problem until I realised it was chucking all the grass up to my face, whoops. The third thing I did was to mow into the hedge. When there are leaves everywhere, the tyres drag them along until there is a huge lot at the front of the wheels, therefore not enabling the wheels to turn AARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH. Worst of all was the look on Huffle's face when I told him. OH DEAR!

I came in and started making soups for dinner. Three different ones again all from the same base of Tomato and Carrot. Nice and warming, though today has been a lovely day until evening when it rained and got cooler.

I raked the leaves on the front and waited for Smallest to come home as Small was football (soccer) training. Smallest and I sat on the porch and he read his two reading books to me. He is such a lovely reader though I did notice he said Garraaarrge but he looked at me and pulled a face when he said it.

This little (I think it's a Nuthatch) bird was busily feeding right in front of us.

Then we ran off to get Small. He had a good training session and is playing in Defence. He should have training tomorrow but he has his swimming lesson. The big tournament is Saturday. They both did their maths on the computer and Small did his French revision for his test, then they both played on the Computer and IPad.

Huffle came home. Another terrible day but he is having the day off tomorrow to play golf. Good for him. We had dinner, discussed football and then investigated the damage I did on the mower. The boys watched TV. Everyone is very tired so it is an early night for us all tonight.




Wonder Woman said...

I would blame your illness for the mower incidents. Maybe the medication ' remedies' made you drowsy?!

Hope Huffle has a good day a golf and it gives him the much deserved timeout x

Unknown said...

Good for Huffle. Get some balance, fingers xd for a sunn day fi him. Hope Small does well at football and you feel better soon. x