Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Unwashed

We have recently upgraded the Guest Accomodation and installed some Pensioner/Junior lighting for the night. Apparantly this makes the loft much nicer and easier to find the 'loo'. Small especially likes it because he doesn't have to put the main lights on and he can get downstairs in the morning without his torch or lamp. Today we further upgraded the Accomodation by adding a set of drawers, a blanket box and extending the hanging area. Rates will have to be increased.

Huffle stayed at home today. The boys went to school.

We skyped Madame Courvoissier (only just up and not yet combed her hair!) and spoke to MrGator who was telling us how hot it was while I had frozen cold hands!!! Truly Scrumptious was still in bed though we can forgive her as she is injured.

I left the big boys assembling the wardrobe and went to work after raking some leaves to take with me. Four of us at work chose, dug and planted bulbs - hundreds of them before stopping for coffee and pineapple coconut shortbread - yum yum. We tidied up and were home by 12.

Grandma had just made some scones so we had one with our cup of tea. Huffle was just about to take a work call so I helped Grandad with a wardrobe door and we moved it into position. Looks good. We have decided the wardrobe is for me as it has a noisy door and Huffle gets up early, also I know he loves to come out of the closet every morning.

We moved the drawers and the blanket box up to the 'Penthouse' and came down for lunch. After lunch we went outside while Grandma continued to make scones (cheesey ones this time). We fixed the mower which was a nightmare and took ages but eventually we did it, though we did lose a push nut in the grass.

The big boys started a fire pit while I put the dahlias to bed in their peat moss box, then I raked more leaves for the compost bin. The boys had a lovely fire and got through a lot of trees.

Grandma started dinner and the boys came home. Smallest and I Cycled to the library to renew our books - it was very cold and we didn't wear gloves! Books renewed and a quick chat with Nan and we cycled back and got warm again by the still puthering fire.

We had a huge Roast Dinner with Grandma's grandma's Pie and the boys watched TV before bed while the big boys cleared and cleaned the kitchen (what a good pair they are - every home should have some).


P.s. Grandma won at cards (though they were brand new and she may have marked them earlier in the day, just saying....)


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