Tuesday 1 July 2014

Canada Day 2014

Why is it that when you can stay in bed and have a lie-in, your body wants you to get up early and start the day. That doesn't seem fair!

After breakfast the Wimbledon swing ball competition started, followed by thunder, the bringing in of the washing line (quicker than taking the washing off) and the table tennis championships started. Then the rain came down, very heavily. The air conditioning stayed on which was very much needed as the humidity was extremely high again.

The rain stopped, the washing line went back out and the indoor games commenced. We had an all family UPSET game which last forever. Eventually Smallest beat us all and we stopped for dinner.

The afternoon was spent in and around the the pool. Scrabble for Moo and I with Huffle helping when things got tough. Smallest and I played chess, Huffle and Smallest played Chess and Small and Smallest played chess though the game ended with an Arthur Fowler moment of the chess pieces swiped across the board. The boys have been particularly naughty today. Not listening, being incredibly annoying and genially getting on everyone's nerves. Oh my god it is Day One of Sixty Three - HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPP!

Left: I tried to drag Moo's lounger into the pool but the metal back bit hit her in the back of the head. Under the scarf she has an ice pack (called a Boo-Boo pack here ha!).

Right: after Moo ate her Banana bread she had a tiny Hitler Moustache

Left: our Canada Day celebrations by the pool.

Right: mine and Smallest's chalk drawing of Moo.

IPad was banned for today despite the fact they did their chores and read and wrote so hopefully tomorrow they might think a bit more! Here's hoping.

We ended the day chalking on the patio, playing Swingball and watching TV. Normally we go to the fireworks in Port Perry but this year the boys are going to bed at a normal time as their later night last night hasn't made us think that might be a good idea any time soon.


Some photos from Small's camp last weekend.

Looks like a nice place and a fun weekend.






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