Thursday 17 July 2014

When is that bloomin' yard arm coming?

A cloudy cooler but at times hot day. Nothing to do but stare at the lawn and wonder when the tractor will be returned. I made a call to the repair man who said "I'll check". Then "did you say a tactor?" And then "oh yes I'm waiting for the belts, it will be beginning of next week". BOOOOOOO! The grass was so long (it has been four long wet and sunny weeks). We got on our bikes to look at the bulletin board but noticed next door's professional mowers were here. I asked if they could do ours and they did. They did a lovely job (not for free obviously. We carried on on our bikes and went to Small's friends Mac's house to pick him up to play. His bike was broken so Moo cycled behind Small and Mac while they walked. Smallest and I cycled on ahead to pay the mower man. Apparently we have an infestation of red ants which bite and leave a burning sensation on your skin if they touch you. OUCH, we better get rid of them then!

By the time we got back it was lunchtime so we went up to the pool. The boys swam and jumped in and we had lunch poolside. Then they went off to the trampoline. I got the badminton net out and the boys and Moo played while I weeded the vegetable garden and put up a tomato support. Moo and I ended up playing a tough game of badminton (we had to contend with slopes, sun in our eyes, wind and no lines) while the boys went on the Wii and the trampoline.

I did a bit more weeding in the front garden and Moo and I played scrabble (she won, I'm allowed to tell you that!).

Dinner was a flat Toad in the hole, less hole and more swamp - tasted okay though. Small made us some brownies from his cook book and we had them for pudding. They were very yummy.

After dinner consisted of a game of cricket for all, including the flies buzzing round and round our heads and the mosquitoes tasting our lovely blood.

COOKER UODATE: Huffle rang them last Friday after they rang me to check we were happy! They dais someone was coming out but hadn't told us, then they weren't coming out, then he spoke to a manager who said that they were still waiting parts. It would be another two weeks (so that's a week tomorrow). Huffle told the person he spoke to, to get another job as he seemed too good for Samsung.


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