Friday, 15 August 2014

I just drove to the washroom*

Another coolish day. I was wrong when I said it was 16* yesterday, apparently it didn't get past 11* brrrrrrrr. Today it was a little warmer but still doesn't feel much like Summer.

After breakfast, the boys and I did a small shop and then went off to knitting. There was only three of us there today and El and the boys who had their IPads and a packet of Marks and Spencers Percy Pigs. I got a bit of knitting done but mainly a nice chat among friends and a lovely cup of coffee. We had lunch at home and then decided to take my glasses back as I have been suffering with terrible headaches and I am convinced it is because I am struggling to see close up. Anyway, the 20 minute journey was wasted as they were closed. We popped to the Thrifty Shop to see if we could get some cheap glassware to make some garden ornaments but they were too pricey for what we wanted.

Once home again the boys had ice cream on the porch and then we set about clearing and cleaning Smallest's bedroom. All his menagerie of soft toys were hung on the line to air, all furniture moved and dusted behind and a few things were taken to the loft or basement for selling or keeping for their children. His room is looking more spacious and much much cleaner. The people before us painted his floor like a hockey pitch (God this country is obsessed with ice hockey!) and it is all scuffed and in desperate need of either stripping or repainting.

I had help with his room and then we stripped all he beds and remade them. I managed a bit more painting of the cupboards in the laundry/bathroom.

Huffle came home, the kids were silly as ships and we all made pizza which we then ate in front of the final Harry Potter film. Small and I are on the very last chapter so we watched as much as we could without ruining the story.

The cooker managed to cook two pizzas on 425* with minimal steam escaping and no errors. WAHOOOOOOO. Still, it's early days yet. Samsung have apologised and offered us another six months warranty!

*huffle had his work 'picnic' today. Whilst there one of the women said that she had driven to the toilet (about a 5 minute walk). Huffle said 'driven!', to which she replied 'it's a 5 minute walk back too'. Huffle said that she was stereotypically North American.


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