Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Ronnie warms his bones

Huffle went to work today and the boys and I stayed at home and had a nice relaxing lazy day. The weather was a bit Meh today - it had hot spots and cool spots and rain spots.

I got to do some knitting and watched the BBC drama "In The Club". I also weeded and cleared the vegetable garden and tied up the tomatoes. This year we planted flour plants, mainly because they came in fours, but we really only need one as Smallest is the only one that eats them and there are hundreds growing. I managed to pick some more courgettes and re plant some lettuce (we haven't bought salad leaves now for about two and a half months. We now have a path back through the veg so we can pick them easily. The comfrey was cut and used in the stinky bucket of fertiliser goodness.


Dahlia just coming into bloom. Beautiful white echinaceas.

Small read his library book, wrote in his journal, did a few money earning chores (including raking the grass) and went and played with his friend at the back.

Smallest played on the piano, wrote in his journal and read his book. Smallest and I played ten games of UNO and we did a Bakugan Jigsaw. We all played a game of Disney Monopoly which Small won again.

When Huffle came home we had dinner and then all played a game of Monopoly Deal which Small won!

Today we had various emails saying the bus situation was progressing and then we got a note saying that it was not okay for the kids to walk to school and they could have the school bus for the next year unless the 'sidewalk' was made better. Well that's a good result.

I got a phone call today from the company that Samsung uses to fix things saying that our part was in and they wanted to fit it tomorrow. Wow. Fancy that. One note about legal representation and suddenly the part has arrived and they can fit it the next day. RESULT. It still won't work because it is a faulty model but we have to go through the motions.

We had a visitor in the sun room today. He just sauntered in. When it went to take a photo the boys said "no mummy don't go near it" - after seeing Elf, they think Raccoons jump on your face and scratch it, nice that they were looking after me. Anyway, Ronnie ran (well I say ran, more like galoomphed) off.

Huffle told me I am not to feel sorry for Ronnie, despite the fact he looks old and lost. He said he is a stinky old fleabag. I replied that he would one day become a stinky old fleabag and I would still love him.

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