Wednesday, 27 August 2014

On top of old smokey

Most of this morning was spent doing our own things which was good because it meant no-one annoyed anyone else and it was a calm and peaceful household. Shame it couldn't have lasted.....

I got lots of knitting done and made a Banana Loaf. The boys and I cycled to the tennis courts again, this time the weather was breezy and cooler and we managed to spend over an hour there.

We had some good hits and once again shared the courts with another couple.

We cycled home and had lunch and the boys had an ice cream while I attempted to cut the grass.

This was a thankless task as the mower started and stopped and started and cut and then conked out halfway down the garden. I tried again but it wouldn't start. A quick call with Huffle and an oil fill up and it still wouldn't start so I heaved it all the way back into the barn (I have now hurt my back but it was really heavy and I thought it was going to rain).

After a Skype chat with Grandad I finally got it going but it cut out as soon as I was down the hill (typical). I came in and played Disney Monopoly with the boys until their bickering at each other made me go and sit on the mower again. This time I managed to cut some of the grass but then it started to smoke really badly and when the garden was full of white stinky smoke I gave up. The stupid thing is still sitting in the middle of the garden and Smallest told me not to turn it on again when he came out to say sorry. He said it was going to set on fire so I stopped!

I came in and finished the Monopoly game and then made dinner. More squabbling, more bickering and then they played nicely together on the trampoline and played basketball when Huffle came home.

After dinner, Huffle did his Ice Bucket Challenge...

And then Smallest did his own challenge because he didn't want to be left out.

See Grandad, if they can do it - you can! Smallest's wasn't a proper one but if it was he wanted to challenge CousinD and CousinE.






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