Thursday, 11 September 2014

Are you buying that?

I had such a good night's sleep that when I was woken by Small, I couldn't open my eyes properly. He also interrupted a dream where I was at a pub with Grandma and Grandad and we had to cross a river with rocks.

After the boys went to school, we had a leisurely breakfast and Grandad worked out what he needed to fix the basketball net. We drove out to town, had a look at 'ticky tack' and deposited Grandad at Canadian Tire. Grandma and I had a peruse in Homesense and were joined by Grandad when he had bought his bolts. I lost my purse (and later found it on the kitchen table at home).

Thrifty Shop next where Grandad bought a jigsaw of Times Square and a work jumper. Grandma wanted me to buy a big fur bear coat (I would have been tempted if it wasn't real). We found a brand new bike for just $20 and went inside to borrow a tape measure but when we went to measure it, a lady was riding it around the car park and intended to buy it. BOOOO.

A quick look around the Consignment Store, a sit on a nice but too upright sofa and a longing look at a pouffe (which was too expensive until December) and then lunch in the local cafe, where we drove home the scenic way so we could look at the nice houses.

Back home, Grandad fixed the basketball net and now it is really high (too high for Huffle to slam dunk but not too high for the boys to get baskets). Grandma started on dinner and then we watched half of 'In The Club'. Grandad also got the strimmer going and strimmed the front grass.

The boys came home and Small did his homework. Smallest and Grandad played basketball and Small joined them later. Smallest 12 - Small 6 - Grandad 6. Small and Smallest broke the lock on the back door (seems it was very insecure) and Smallest shouted 'Grandad' (lucky MrFixit was here). We now have a nice secure locking back door. Hurrah.

Huffle came home and we ate dinner and played UNO, Monopoly Deal and Tetris. Huffle took The Olds for a spin in his new car while I had to babysit. I'm not allowed in the new car because I was allowed to sit in the driving seat for 30 seconds yesterday. Goodness, how my husband spoils me!


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