Tuesday, 2 September 2014

That's not your bus!

What a shocker this morning, getting up at 7:30am! Huffle went off to work and I waited with the boys for their bus. After the time the bus should have been here, a Mum walked past and said "oh I don't think the bus is coming today". WHY? "Because it's the first day of term". WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE? Anyway I dove them to school and on the way home I passed the bus they should have been on. Not a good start to the day!

First Day of School

I then went off to work. It was nice to be back but it was very humid and then it rained.

This Praying Mantis landed on my shoe and proceeded to crawl up my sock. I took him off as soon as he reached my bare leg. He was soooo big.

Jan and I weeded the gravel garden and I managed to get prickles in my hand from the cactus that I was told to steer away from. I also managed to sit on an Agave twice (with huge spikey spikes). I left after midday with a couple of plants for an anniversary present for Huffle (Friday), a jar of honey (a gift from Jeff) and a boot full of woodchips.

Back home I emptied the car and had my lunch whilst waiting for the mower man to appear to take the poorly tractor away. He never came! I skyped Moo and we had a chat while I sewed my blanket together. It rained and rained and rained. I rang school to check they were coming home on the bus and sat back and waited for the boys to arrive. I sat on the porch in the rain. They finished at 2:35pm today but were still not home by 2:55pm so I put my waterproof on and drove to school. Two poor little boys were standing in the rain not being allowed on the bus because their names were not on the list (manifest). After a brief chat with the driver, I took them home and then called the Transport people. They WERE on the list but someone in their school told them they were on a different bus WHICH THEY WEREN'T. Still it's sorted now, hopefully they will be on their bus tomorrow.

After a quick run to the library, the boys emptied their bags and letters were read and forms signed and surveys filled in and then the boys went on the IPads while I made soup for dinner.

It seems the boys didn't really do much today. Met their teachers, met their classmates, ate lunch, had recess and that's it as far as they were concerned.

Forgot to mention that the other day, Huffle was making a pot of tea, using the stovetop kettle we have. Guess what? We got an error message. E-84 and we can't find any reference to what it means. Stupid piece of machinery!

After dinner, three games of Monopoly Deal (all won by Smallest), a boys basketball game and TV before bed.


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