Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Handmade vs Bought

It was a struggle getting up this morning after so many lie-ins lately, but we all managed it. Huffle went off to work. A scary day beckons tomorrow for him. The boys went off to school. I went to work. When I got there the gates were closed and no-one else was there. I let myself in and sat in the car listening to the radio. After half an hour I was just considering leaving and Jan arrived. There had been a big accident and her and Jeff and DM were behind it all. It wasn't long before they arrived and we got on with planting up the new garden we made last week. We moved a few things and planted lots of new stuff. Next week will be bulb planting. At coffee time we stopped for Pecan Pie squares (ummmmm) and then it was time for me to go.

A sneaky peak of the garden before we planted (I forgot to take one after, will take one next week). .....and Jeff left!

I went home, quickly skyped Moo whilst getting changed and then drove to the Doctors where I gave them a new sample to be tested. I picked up a prescription and then made appointments at the dentist for all of us. Then I scooted off to ex-pat Bex's house where I had a lovely cup of tea, a cuddle with her baby and a good old English chat.

I had about 15 minutes to spare before the boys got home and I had a mad dash emptying and filling the dishwasher and tidying the kitchen.

Small had got his science test back and got a A+ and a project/test he did about creating a festival with a score of B+. Very proud. They had both had good days and did a bit of homework on the computer and then played on the IPads while I got dinner.

Huffle came home and we all ate and then went to the library.

I have noticed a distinct difference today between UK and Canada. Small told his friends at school that we had started to make a Halloween costume. One of them said "you're making it? Didn't you make it last year as well?". It seems the majority like to purchase their costumes and find making them 'cheap' and 'not as cool', whereas in the UK making them would seem much more 'inventive' and 'fun'. I know I can't speak for all Canadians or all British - it was just an observation.

The beginnings of his costume

Every day, the first thing I do when I get downstairs is to put the radio on. BBC radio one. It is a little slice of 'home' I cannot live without. For the last two days though I haven't been able to get it. We have an Internet/Digital/FM radio which we brought with us. We don't get Digital here but we have always been able to use the Internet radio. Today when I set Huffle the challenge to set me back up with Radio 1, he failed. I can get it on my phone but not on anything else. STRANGE?! We may have to move back! ....(Only joking Yahoo don't get excited!).

I have been invited to a British Christmas Pot Luck at the end of November and there will be a Secret Santa. We have to purchase a gift that is obscure and British and cost $5. HELP. Any ideas?


Wonder Woman said...

It would have to be handkerchiefs! Well done Small x

Anonymous said...

I would say a willy warmer, seeing as you're already making one, lol!! Love the costume, there's definitely an air of bought is best in Michigan too which I don't care for either. Sometimes I think people don't have time these days, I hear that a lot. I usually tell them there's a world of difference between not having the time and not making the time, which I think is all most people do (not make the time). Well done to Small and Smallest looks really great!


Spanish Chica said...

For me it's radio 2. It's weird when you here the weather and travel info.

Great costume made is so much better.


Sarah Tomson said...

Some ideas:

Chas n dave CD
Norman wisdom DVD
Benny hill DVD
Hilda Ogden style flying ducks
String vest
Knotted hankies

Sarah Tomson said...

The Beano comic
Blue Peter annual?
Stick of rock
(In fact stick of rock, knotted hanky, vest a typical british holidaymaker!)