Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Pi-an pi-an pia-no.....

Another really hot and humid night meant that Huffle and I had to get up, watch a bit of TV and have a cold glass of water before we could attempt to sleep again. It was a big struggle getting up this morning.

Huffle worked from home today and while he was here he contacted Samsung. Before we went on holiday he asked them to call him with a date when they were going to fit the part, they didn't call. Today he got nowhere again and ended up sending an email threatening legal action. He got a phone call back to say they would look into our situation and get back to him. We also contacted the Trustees of the School to find out what can be done about the bus being reinstated for the Winter. We have had two emails back and they have passed it to someone else who should get back to us within a day or so. The main issue is that the paths are not cleared in the winter so the kids would have to walk on the road and what paths we do have are not very nice, ie cracked, narrow and not maintained. My neighbour told me today she fought the same thing with her daughter when she was in Kindergarten, who is now in High School. She fought it for three years but she also told me that in the morning when the kids are walking to school there are still coyotes and deer about.

Our resident Raccoon, came clumping up our garden without a care in the world. Normally they only come out at night. He didn't seem worried about us at all, in fact he started to come towards me. Huffle found him later trying to get into the barn and chased him off

The boys and I had many games of UNO this morning. I had to finish my book as it was due back at the library today and clear out some of the sand that had left itself there. After lunch we made more chocolate courgette muffins (the other ones were left at Suffolk's BBQ) and Courgette bread. We cycled to the library and changed our books, chatted to mums and kids and cycled off to deliver forms and cheques for Scouts and Beavers. One of the mums and I were discussing who Smallest and her daughters teacher would be. We have decided if it is the teacher we don't want (Small had her year before last and hated her, plus I feel she knocked the love of school out of him) we will take the kids out of school for a year and homeschool them between us - we feel THAT strongly! We get to find out who the teachers will be in a week or so.

After cycling we jumped in the pool and got cool. When I went in to make dinner, Huffle came out after work and got in the pool too. It started to get very dark and rained, then it brightened up, then it got dark again. We are due a storm!

Smallest cycling and the train going over the road further up.

Suffolk has leant us their keyboard while they are on holiday and the kids have been playing it constantly. When they go back to school I promised Smallest piano lessons with one of the teachers. Now Small wants some too and I am going to have some lessons as well. Then all we have to do is persuade Huffle we need a piano. Huffle edit - and that will not be an easy task!


Unknown said...

Dad would be pleased to hear the musical mantle is passing through the generations. Two blasts on the trumpet was as far as the previous generation fared!

Wonder Woman said...

We are getting a piano for Boy Wonder. Never realised it was such a faff to get the right one! x

Sarah Tomson said...

Haha poor Huffle three against one that doesn't sound like there will be much choice!! Look forward to hearing about the piano soon hehe x

famfa said...

Small gets to okay an instrument this year in school and he chose drums (can only do in grade8) or trumpet(cos grandad ick did), sax (I love the sax) or tuba (because it's the loudest one). We'll see how he does. Both can play a tune by ear though just like me xx

famfa said...

Yes apparently, let me know how you get on. Who decided which one? The piano teacher or research? X

famfa said...

It's normally three against one but that doesn't mean he'll give in. We 'll work on him though xx