Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Last night, as we were putting the kids to bed, I stubbed my little toe on something sticking out from under the bed. It hurt but not as much as other times when I've done it. However, it started to swell and I couldn't bend it and then a bruise started to come out on one side of it. I iced it during the evening and then had to put a wheat pad on it as I couldn't get it warm when I was in bed. All through the night, everytime I turned over, it hurt so much. I have stubbed many a toe during my time and am convinced I've broken a few or at least cracked them. I know there is nothing you can do with toes so I just hoped that rest would help.

This morning it swelled again and the bruising was more and it hurt to put my slippers on. I got the kids off to school and practised wearing my trainers to see if I could do aerobics. I felt I could and I went leaving Huffle in the Bunker.

I didn't give Aerobics my all as I was scared I would do more damage but I did most of it (except the jumping lunges). I came home, had a quick shower and left to have lunch with Suffolk. She made me cheese on toast which was perfect with a cup of tea and silly chatter. We both went off to Pottery where this week we made a Sushi Boat (or a loose change and key holder if you are me) with chopstick holders (or a curly fish if you're me). I had clay left over so I made a baby sushi boat and another curly fish (they reminded me of those red papery fish you get in crackers that roll up in your hand). Although this was quite easy I found it so therapeutic and the chatter was interesting. For example, out of six of us, two are British, one is Swiss/French and the others are Canadian. Todays conversation went something like this.

Canadians : well the British don't annunciate which is why we can't understand them!

British: you mean how we say Toronto and Water and you say Torronno and Waader?

Canadians: Oh Yes! But the British don't say any vowels, just the 'A' like they do in Australia! They also talk really fast whereas we speak slowly!!!!!

Britosh: WHAT! What are you talking about? Rightio then!

It was quite funny because then we started noticing the Swiss/French teacher was saying "Smooz out ze molecules". So we all started smoozing the clay. They all joked they were going to make something really special next week because I wasn't there. On our fifth week we will be glazing all of our pots. I can't wait. One of the girls who has been lots of times before, uses all the leftover clay to add to a wind chime she made out of old forks and clay. Clever, I might have to try that.

I'd like to get the boys signed up for this, I think they'd eally like it.

I popped back to Suffolks for a cuppa and then came home where I found Smallest had finished his rough homework and Huffle was nearly finished with work. I played on the wii with Smallest until Huffle finished and then I made dinner while Huffle and Smallest played Football on the wii.

After dinner, Huffle went off and joined Small on the slopes while Smallest and I played a bit more Mario and then watched TV before bed.

They said it was freezing but both had a lot of fun.


1 comment:

Brenda B said...

Bit of British understatement for you: "It's a bit chilly outside, what!".

Hope your toe is healing! Sorry I haven't been around, got a lot on, but I still check in most days. Happy Chinese New Year, it's the Year of the Sheep, which I'm all in favour of!
