Tuesday 1 December 2015

Smokin' Pine Cones

The Advent Calendars were started today. Our House one had in it some sweets, a comedy eraser and a fact "Otto does smoke pine cones, that's a fact". Our other advent calendar was one Moo and I picked up last year after Christmas. It was an Elf one but Smallest and I were very disappointed to find that inside the first window was a sticker of a toy soldier and behind the sticker - nothing. We expected a picture of Elf or a quote from the film. Nothing. Pah!

Today the weather was foggy, drizzly and miserable. Why then, when the foggginess resembles pea soup and no one can see more than a cars length in front of them, do the drivers not put on their damn lights? Idiots! Oh I can't see that car in front of me until I almost crash into them. Doh, I wonder what I can do about that!?

Smallest has been complaining lately about his knee. He can't run on it. Huffle told him that football would be out until it was fixed and suddenly it's better. Now we are not sure if he is trying to copy his father, having an injury, trying to be a big boy or whether the thought of not playing football has made him pretend he doesn't have an injury. Either way, it's not good. I had a talk with him this morning about pretending (he assured me he wasn't) and the dangers of playing with an injury. What's worse, missing one game or missing them forever? He promised he would stop running at school if it hurt and rested it.

This morning I went off and did some errands. I forgot potatoes in my shop yesterday despit the fact I was supposed to be making fish cakes (main ingredient) last night. I am making Suffolks daughter birthday cake so I picked up ingredients for that plus some extra Christmas sweets for another project coming soon. I popped into the wool shop and got some help for something I am knitting, forgot to pick up stamps and got Small's Secret Santa present for school plus a couple of small Christmas presents.

Huffle and I had lunch together and finished watching Jekyll and Hyde (so weird - created by Charlie Higson, comedy genius from Fast Show and writer of several kids James Bond books that Small has read - clever man).

This afternoon I made Fish Cakes for dinner, sewed buttons on slippers I had made for the kids for Christmas and dried and sorted washing. We had our first Christmas card today and it was from our home County - awwwwwwww.

The boys came home, made hot chocolate, practised piano and tuba for much longer than I cared about. I know I should be very encouraging with the wonderful musical talent they are displaying but if I hear another Jingling around the bloody Christmas Tree..........!!!!

Smallest was trying to help set the table and knocked over 15 litres of milk (it was probably only a pint but it felt like litres and litres - don't ask me why I'm mixing up my measurements, I just am). It took the whole family at least half an hour, while the dinner was ruining, to clean up the mess. It seemed to get into every nook and crevice in the fridge, every bit of packaging, drawer and find its way half way across the kitchen.

Eventually dinner was eaten and then Smallest and Huffle realised they were late for football and skedaddled. Small and I watched a bit of TV, played Monopoloy Deal and did some jigsaw.



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