Monday, 21 November 2016


It snowed all day. Quite a lot but it didn't really settle until later. I think it was too blowy to settle anywhere properly. But now it really feels like winter. What a strange country. It can go from +18* to -9* in two days. Crazy crazy crazy and I'm not ready!!!!

Five years ago today...............

.........and we were bombing around our hosts 99 acre fields on a golf cart and Smallest was driving! OUCH! Oh my goodness he looks so young. Bless him he was only four years old.

After the boys went to school, not in their snow boots. (Huffle shouted after them "what are you saving them for? The real deep stuff?"). Silly boys, both came home without their coats on! I took my car in for Winter Tyre change (just in time) and ran home though it was too cold to do my whole 30 minute run. Huffle took me back later to pick my car up because the snow was coming down and starting to settle.

The rest of my morning, I made a herby bread which tasted yummy but looked too small. Something happened to it during the proving stage. I also made a Baileys Trifle for the Garden Club Pot Luck Christmas Dinner. Something went wrong with that too and although it was delicious, it was very sloppy and difficult to transport.

When the boys came home from school they had soup and bread early and then piano lessons, followed by Cubs and Scouts. Huffle was MrTaxi tonight and dropped Small off at the leaders house for instruction in Tyre changing. He took me to the Garden Club and Smallest to Cubs for cookie making. Then he had to pick up Smallest armed with a cookie he made and then he picked up Small.

I got a lift home from a friend of Garfunkel's because I had my slockadosh Trifle to bring home and a downspout catcher (handmade stone hosta leaf) which I won in a Silent Auction. The person who made the stone was a vegetarian and I have her email address so we can exchange recipes.


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