Thursday 20 September 2012

Hawkers Walkers

I had a day at home all by myself today. Oooooooh what luxury. I waited till the kids had gone to school and then I sat down for a long leisurely breakfast, where I read my book and read the blogs I follow, and answered any comments that were left on my other blog. By which time it was after 10.

After getting changed and brushing my hair (just in case Yahoo called me on Skype), I started cleaning the boys bathroom. I scrubbed it from top to bottom and mopped the floor. It was sparkling. Then I moved on to my bathroom. I left that one sparkling too and also cleared out the cupboard in there (which was well overdue). Then I tidied, dusted, swept and mopped our bedroom (again well overdue). I cleared the laundry room and sat down with the intention of crocheting one square. I made three and then LizzieDotDot skyped. We had a lovely long chat and promised to keep in. Touch much more often. I miss her a lot. I miss our walks, I miss our chats, I miss us sitting in the park knitting.

I had my lunch on a tray. Sitting in front of the computer where I then watched Downton Abbey. Lovely. Lots of very nice English accents. I love it. I also crocheted while watching and made a few more squares. In the middle of watching Yahoo skyped me. She could see me but I couldn't see her. We talked for ages and laughed a lot. I miss her too. I miss our walks, I miss our laughs, I miss sitting in her kitchen watching her make our lunch. We also promised to keep in touch more.

I finished talking to her when she had to put the kids to bed. I carried on watching Downton Abbey and crocheting. Then I heard the school bus. I waited to hear those noisy boys coming in the house. Nothing. I thought they might be playing outside. I looked. Nothing. Then I realised what days it was. Thursday. library Day. I told them not to get on the bus and not to leave school. I told them I would be there to pick them up. I rang the school and told them who I was. They said oh Yes, Small is here now. I spoke to him on the phone and said I would be there ASAP. I didn't even have time to pick the library books up. I drove to get them, apologising to the secretary. She was fine. We drove back home, emptied the mailbox (someone had left us some cookies - and I am not being Canadian here, but that is what they were) and picked up the books and drove back to the library.

I had left a rice pudding in the oven so we didn't stay long. Just long enough to get some more books and order some more for next week. Then we drove home. The boys played outside for a while and I tried to sneak a bit more Downton Abbey in, but they found me. So I set Small up with his homework and got them to empty their bags while I made their dinner. We are trying to eat up everything in the fridge, hence the rice pudding.

Huffle came home and we had dinner. We played Dominoes with Smallest while Small had a shower. We played several games of normal dominoes and then we played Dinosaur Dominoes. Small had his rice pudding.

Drew and I went for a walk (it was her who left the cookies). It is 'throwing out' day so we had a look as we walked. We brought home a grapevine wreath and checked out some parasols. They were too big to carry though, I told Huffle if he wanted them he would ave to get them on the car, but he can't be bothered. He had another bad day today. Poor Huffle.

Aunt Pear has Tonsilitus - hope you get better soon.

Small came home with results from his EQAU - they were good, maybe not as good as we thought but seeing as he is new to this country and the school it's pretty good.

Smallest came home with a letter saying he was staying in his class and with his current schedule. Smallest and I are pleased with this news. He was also given a little ball today for being very good and listening well.



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