Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Hot Pickles*

Last night I went through the whole night without blowing my nose and I thought I was in the mend. The boys were off due to the Teachers Strike so no-one except Huffle needed to get up early. He went off to work, Moo, the boys and I had our breakfast and played the New game Small got for his birthday at the weekend. Not the best game to play when you are eating breakfast but the boys like it!

We all got ready and went out with the intention of going five pin bowling. However, when we got there it was closed until 4pm. We were disappointed, it was raining, so we went over the the cafe to work out what we were going to do next.

Small had hot chocolate with cream, Smallest had Hot Apple Cider and they both shared a piece of Choclate cake (which was huge, though I think Moo helped a little bit!).

The Chocolate kicked in and they were very silly (and Moo)....

We checked out what to do.......the cinema didn't start until 1pm and it was only the Hobbit (which Huffle wants to see with us), a cinema further away didn't start until 6:45pm, mini golf didn't start until 2pm, paint your own pottery wasn't open on Tuesdays........ We were scuppered. We promised the boys they could play on the Wii if they would come shopping with us and behave. They weren't too bad, although Small had a few warnings and the threat of no cubs later. On the way this morning we saw an Eliptical Trainer on the edge of someone's property, I said if it was there on the way back we would stop and look at it. Moo reminded me as an drove straight past and we turned round. It seemed in perfect condition so we loaded it into the car. BARGAIN!

We carried on to shopping and bought a few things. While in the shop I felt a bit queasy and had tummy ache. We got home, Moo put the shopping away and we had lunch. The boys went and played on the Wii and Moo and I moved the very heavy Eliptical from the car through the house and downstairs into the basement. We had a quick go on it. It seems fine, all in good working order.

Moo and I cleared up, sat and watched a bit of TV and then Drew came for a brief visit. Her and Moo decided to go for a walk around the Hamlet. They were out for ages and it was cold but Moo enjoyed it.

The boys and I played table tennis and then the gross Doctor game and I knitted my sock.


Moo came home. She got the boys dinner and then we started making ours. Huffle came home and we ate dinner. Moo, Small and Huffle went off to Cubs (it was about 35 mins away today as Small was doing Archery and other activities).

He was the only one to burst a balloon in the middle of the target! That's my boy!
Smallest and I watched Elf again. Still very funny. I put Smallest to bed, read him a story about a pigeon who wanted to drive a bus!!!! And waited, with a pot of Yorkshire Tea, for the rest to come home.

Small went to bed (it was late - school tomorrow).




*no idea, Smallest chose it!



Unknown said...

Great photos yet again. You will be so fit with your new piece of equipment. It seems Moo has been there for ages, bet its lovely to have her there. Has Huffle heard about his appointment yet? Last 2 days have had trouble posting a comment, have you changed an settings, or is it my end? Love to all x

famfa said...

No I haven't changed anything this end. No results yet. Don't know when due as he didn't ask