Sunday, 9 December 2012

Moo arrives. 3rd Time

Huffle and I got a lie-in. 9am we woke up! WOW, that's a rarity! I did get woken in the night though by Smallest who had a big accident. He dreamt that he was weeing in a toilet and then woke up and guess what?

We got up and had breakfast. Smallest read a story to us about Bernard.

I went outside and made my Christmas Urns. I spent ages walking up and down our garden, snipping off cedar, pinching pine and cutting juniper. It took me ages. Huffle did his ironing while watching the football.

Christmas Urns, Baubles, Snowlakes

I popped round to the Royals and took some cuttings of their dogwood and some berries. Huffle did some ironing, the boys went on the IPad and played a new game called ClayJam.

The Royals washing line - it was very rainy (I have been trying to get a drippy photo for ages).

We all stopped for lunch. Small did some homework. Smallest drew a picture for KP&A. We put the bunting up.

I put up our Christmas Wreath on the front door, added some greenery to the stairs and put on some berries and ribbons, and then Small and I drove to the Airport to fetch Moo. The traffic was quite bad all the way there, but I made sure I didn't speed (I did not want to be stopped this time).

We parked, ran as fast as we could to Terminal 3 and waited for ages and ages ages. There seemed to be a lot of people waiting, coming through, sitting, looking bored. Eventually when Small and I were looking the wrong way, Moo appeared and we had to run the other way to get her attention.

Lots of hugs, some tickles for Small, a quick toilet stop and away we went. The traffic was worse on the way back. We got home, Smallest ran out waiting for a tickle. The boys grabbed Moo and dragged her upstairs to the loft where they showed her the snowflake bunting Small had made.

The boys were very excited. They had their dinner and we chatted (or tried to with the boys running around, laughing and being very silly).

Huffle, Moo and I played Table Tennis and the boys played on the IPad.

Huffle and I went out to celebrate KP's birthday at her and A's house and we left Moo babysitting.





Unknown said...

Things I loved about this blog :- photo of house (looks beautiful), Small's cute face waiting for Moo, the GB hand, all the excitement of the boys, the bunting, Moo being put straight on baby-sitting fact it a good day all round. x

Anonymous said...

Love the outside decorations. Very understated, very British, very nice! Small looks excited to see Moo, but what a welcome!! Nice to see you, thanks for coming but we're off out!!
