Sunday 18 August 2013

Oh Dear oh dear!

What a day! I want to bang those children's heads together but I know it wouldn't make any difference. Huffle and I spent a good part of the day not talking to them as they had annoyed us so much we decided to stop telling them off and just let them fight it out. It ended in one grumping in his bedroom and the other in tears because he thought we didn't care about them anymore. Though eventually we explained what we were trying to do and they said they understood, an hour later and it was all arguing and fighting again. We have banned all things nice until they can be nice themselves.

Something nice that doesn't answer back!

Huffle thinks they are just fed up with each other - the summer Holidays are far too long.

Most of the day we were in and out of the pool with a few games thrown in. Huffle and I made a start on our new herb garden on the front and walked around discussing what we were going to do next. I got in a little bit of knitting and of course we managed to fit on an ice-cream.

It has been a spectacularly sunny day today and most of it has been spent in the shade.



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